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Displaying posts with tag: FOSDEM (reset)
Europe conference options for MySQL Developers

For those in the US the annual MySQL UC is taking place again in April. For those in Europe we have dedicated room for MySQL and MySQL related products/variants/branches at FOSDEM 2010 being held in Brussels, Belgium on 6-7 Feb.

This conference will feature a full day of talks with a format of 20 minutes presentation and 5 minutes Q&A. More information about submissions can be found at Call for Papers for “MySQL and Friends” Developer Room at FOSDEM 2010 now open!

Other references:

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Fosdem 2010 is getting closer

The 10th edition of Fosdem is getting closer, yes .. I said 10 ,10 decimal that means ten, not two :)

It's kinda hard to imagine that this is actually going to be my 10th fosdem , it feels weird ..

Anyhow.. Lenz just announced a call for participation for the MySQL and Friends devroom.

I`m guessing a talk on .LolSQL might be a good fit for the "and Friends" part.

58 days to Fosdem ... !

Technorati Tags: devrooms fosdem mysql

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Call for Papers for "MySQL and Friends" Developer Room at FOSDEM 2010 now open!

FOSDEM 2010, the annual Free and Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting will take place again on February 6th and 7th in Brussels, Belgium. Next year they will celebrate their 10th anniversary (congratulations!) and we feel very honored and happy to announce that the organizers accepted our request for a developer room! They had to reject many proposals due to the great demand (there were 39 applications, but there are only 12 rooms available per day). Therefore we are glad to be among the excellent projects that will be present there.

Our devroom is titled "MySQL and Friends" and will be available for sessions on Sunday, 7th from 09:00 - 17:00. It will be located in room AW1.121 and provides 81 seats, a video projector with VGA cable, and wireless Internet. As for …

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FOSDEM Call For Participation opened - submit your talks now!

FOSDEM, the Free and Opensource Conference, will again take place in Brussels, Belgium on Saturday and Sunday (6th and 7th February, 2010). Now happening for the 10th time (congratulations!), it is one of the largest Open Source conferences in Europe, with a strong focus on developers. Sun/MySQL have been regular sponsors of and contributors to the event in the past and it is alway a great experience to be there. It's very rare to meet so many well-known and bright people from such a wide range of OSS projects.

They have now opened their Call for Participation - the organizers are seeking input on talks for the main conference tracks (deadline: 2009-11-22) , …

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MySQL@FOSDEM 2009: a summary

Now that FOSDEM 2009 in Brussels, Belgium is over, it's about time for a conclusion/summary. I've been to FOSDEM for about five times as both an attendee and speaker, but this year I was much more involved. On Saturday, I gave a lightning talk about "Why you should use Bazaar for maintaining your OSS project". On Sunday, I gave a talk about "MySQL High Availability Solutions" in the main conference track. Both went fairly well and there was good feedback from audience. I've uploaded the slides for both talks to the FOSDEM 2009 page on the MySQL Forge Wiki, video recordings of the sessions should be available on the …

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Video interview with Jack Adams at #fosdem

This was an interview Jack Adams did with me at the MySQL/OpenSolaris booth at FOSDEM last weekend. Jack adams is an OpenSolaris mascotte, look around on YouTube for more funny interviews with him.

The Story Repeats

I covered this one before .. but as it struck twiced today .. I think it's worth repeating. Both my collegue Karl and Trent ran into the same problem , within hours hours of eachother, a missing or failing reverse dns mapping that caused performance issues .. and a lot of log entries..

Karl denies having a second life in Perth but I`m not really sure about that ...

But I guess they both have to agree... Everything is a fscking DNS problem.
(I noticed other people using that spelling this weekend, on stage in the Janson)

Technorati Tags: dns dns problem

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FOSDEM ‘09: A visual and verbal report

Welcome to FOSDEM!” Well, FOSDEM ended on Sunday, but I’d like to provide you with a short recap of my Q&A and Roadmap presentation. Warning: I may go into more visual detail than verbal. This is because reports from the community, OlinData and Philippe Back as well as twitterings by Ulf Wendel already post most of what I said. It’s because my presentation (1.5 MB) is posted on MySQL Forge. And it’s because those present are waiting for the following level of detail of …

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Database sharding at Netlog (FOSDEM talk slides)

Here are the slides from yesterday’s presentation about horizontal database scaling through sharding at the mySQL dev room at FOSDEM 2009.

I’ve got a ton of notes and remarks to these slides, which will become available here soon.

MySQL Presentation on Slideshare

I just got mail that my presentation on MySQL Monitoring ShootOut is currently being showcased on the 'Technology' page by the slideshare editorial team.

It's likely to be there for the next 16-20 hours...

Thnx folks !

Technorati Tags: fosdem presentation slideshare

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