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Displaying posts with tag: FOSDEM (reset)
Monitoring MySQL

The slides for my Monitoring MySQL talk , which I gave earlier today in an overcrowded MySQl Developersroom at Fosdem are now online, both at my site and at Slideshare

As of now I actually expect people to use those slides for schoolwork or next year in a main Fosdem track :)
As afterall that is the goal of Open Source and spreading the word ..

MySQL Monitoring Shoot Out View more presentations from Kris Buytaert. (tags: mysql

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Feedback on MySQL Cluster talk at FOSDEM?

Today I gave an introduction talk of MySQL Cluster at FOSDEM 2009 in Brussels. The room was full and I didn't see anyone dozing!
A good feedback later on was to show more usecases. This a good point and I think on working on a talk showing less how it works, but how it can be used. Doing both technical details and use-cases is hard to do in 50 mintes.
I feedback is appriciated!

BTW, slide will eventually come online somewhere..

Semi-live blog from Q&A with Sun/MySQL VP of community

Here’s  my sort of transcript of the most important things that were said during the Q&A with Kaj Arno at FOSDEM09. If you have any questions (or corrections if you were there and think i misinterpreted) please use the comments. It is virtually unedited, so it’s rough but I don’t have the time right now to [...]

Live from FOSDEM 2009

I am now at FOSDEM, volunteering at the MySQL project stand and attending sessions in between. Today is the most important day for MySQL. At 13:15 CET there will be a talk by Kaj Arno covering recent events at Sun/MySQL. I am here with Santo Leto from HoneySoftware at the moment and he is going to attempt [...]

FOSDEM Sunday 13:15-14:15: Q&A on recent developments at Sun, MySQL Roadmap

Given the changes announced this week, I have updated my original plans for my presentation on Sunday. I was going to talk about Social networking, but am now changing it to a very interactive Q&A session.

I expect people are asking themselves

  • What has changed?
  • What will happen now?
  • What are the consequences for the MySQL roadmap?
  • Are there other consequences for the MySQL community?

and I will attempt at answering these questions interactively during FOSDEM.

Towards the end of next week, after internal coordination, I plan to share some further thinking on the “what will happen now” front with my blog readers.

What also I plan to do during …

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Leaving to Brussels for FOSDEM 09

I will be at FOSDEM - Free and Open Source Software Developers’ European Meeting - in Brussels, tomorrow Saturday 02/07 and the day after.

This year MySQL™ has a Project Stand and a Developer Room, with many interesting talks scheduled.

For me, that’s a nice occasion to meet the European part of the MySQL™ Community Team as well as other SUN™ employees and developers.

Here’s a Google map of my way to Brussels:

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FOSDEM: See you in Brussels on Sat-Sun 7-8.2.2009

Like a number of other Sun people, whether MySQLers or not, I will travel to Brussels next weekend, for FOSDEM ‘09, an acronym which stands for the Free and Open Source Software Developer’s European Meeting.  

If you think you’re late in registering, or if you don’t have a budget, don’t worry. Entrance is free, and registration isn’t necessary. “Just come to the campus and enjoy the conference”, the FOSDEM site stresses.

As for MySQL, we have a developers room on Sunday as follows:

Sun  09:00-10:00
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Speaking at FOSDEM

I am getting ready to FOSDEM, the biggest European gathering of free and open source software enthusiasts. The event is held in Brussels, Belgium, on February 7-8, 2009.

MySQL has a developers room on Sunday, with a schedule rich of well known names and juicy topics.

I will present a talk about partitions in MySQL 5.1.

Lenz will have a talk in the main conference, on MySQL high availability.

There is a wiki page on MySQL Forge where we will provide last minute information.

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Fosdem, 9 days from now

FOSDEM, the free and open source developer's meeting is just 9 days away.

I will be doing one talk on MySQL 5.1 Plugins on Sunday, February 8 in the MySQL Room. Initially I was scheduled for two talks, but one was canceled to make way for another talk. I'm actually quite happy it went that way, because Jurriaan Persyn's talk about Database Sharding that is now …

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Speaking at FOSDEM

I am getting ready to FOSDEM, the biggest European gathering of free and open source software enthusiasts. The event is held in Brussels, Belgium, on February 7-8, 2009.

MySQL has a developers room on Sunday, with a schedule rich of well known names and juicy topics.

I will present a talk about partitions in MySQL 5.1.

Lenz will have a talk in the main conference, on MySQL high availability.

There is a wiki page on MySQL Forge where we will provide last minute information.

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