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CAOS Theory Podcast 2009.12.18

Topics for this podcast:

*2009 review and 2010 preview
*New CAOS survey and report – Climate Change
*Ups and downs in new round of GPL lawsuits
*Oracle-Sun-MySQL saga continues

iTunes or direct download (30:00, 6.9 MB)

New GPL suits and an open source imbalance

A new round of GPL-based BusyBox suits has been filed, targeting big names in electronics and IT. We’ve long covered these series of GPL-based suits and settlements, but this latest round comes at an interesting time for open source software and its licensing.

First, we have the backdrop of the Oracle-Sun-MySQL acquisition, with opponents arguing to the world and the European Commission, which is reviewing the proposed merger before approving it, in part that the GPL is, ironically, granting too much power to its user, in this case Oracle. I’ve been quoted in the press and honestly agree with …

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Life after death or living dead? Open source is no guarantee

There was much rejoicing recently as Google announced a change of heart and decided to release the source code to EtherPad, which it had previously acquired along with AppJet and had planned to shut down.

Krishnan Subramanian at Cloud Ave was certainly happy as it supported his theory that SaaS vendors should offer their software under an open source license or at least open source their app before they shut down.

I’m not going to argue with Krishnan’s first point – in fact I agree that there is a lot of value in SaaS vendors reducing risk and encouraging adoption by making an open source version of their software available. However I am less convinced by the latter argument. There is a fine line between life …

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451 CAOS Links 2009.12.15

Recent non-Oracle/EC/MySQL news.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

For the latest on Oracle’s acquisition of MySQL via Sun, see Everything you always wanted to know about MySQL but were afraid to ask

# Novell reshuffled its Linux business into Security, Management and Operating Platforms business unit.

# HP partnered with Red Hat, Novell and Microsoft to target Sun migrations.

# The US DoJ …

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Two webinars this week

I’m taking part in two webinar’s this week that will likely be of interest to CAOS readers. On WednesdayI’m contributing to a webinar with EnterpriseDB on the subject of open source database adoption in the enterprise, while on Thursday I’ll be presenting a 451 Group webinar on data warehousing.

During the EnterpriseDB webinar we will provide recommendations for how organizations can effectively leverage open source software. Attendees will learn about open source software trends for 2010, top considerations when using open source databases, and best practices for successful deployments of open source software.

I’ll be providing some data points from our recent surveys on database adoption and …

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EC investigation of Oracle-Sun enters the endgame

Oracle’s proposed acquisition of Sun Microsystems looks set for approval by the European Commission after the competition commission welcomed commitments from Oracle related to the future development and licensing of the open source MySQL database.

The EC has until January 27, 2010, to reach a final decision however it appears that significant progress has been made following hearings in Brussels last week where Oracle made its case for approving the acquisition and opponents including SAP, Microsoft and Monty Program AB argued against the proposed acquisition.

Oracle has published a list of ten commitments that it is prepared to make to assuage the EC’s concerns over the future of MySQL, which were quickly and enthusiastically welcomed by the European Commission.

Oracle’s commitments

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Live by the sword, die by the sword

In an amazing display of chutzpah, Monty Widenius recently asked on his blog for people to write to the EC about the takeover of Sun by Oracle and its effect on MySQL, saying:

I, Michael "Monty" Widenius, the creator of MySQL, is asking you urgently to help save MySQL from Oracle's clutches. Without your immediate help Oracle might get to own MySQL any day now. By writing to the European Commission (EC) you can support this cause and help secure the future development of the product MySQL as an Open Source project.

"Help secure the future development"? Sorry, but that ship has sailed. Specifically, when MySQL was sold to Sun. There were many other missed opportunities over the years to keep MySQL as a good open source project. Some of the missteps:

  • Bringing in venture capitalists
  • Selling to Sun instead of making …
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What do you know about Oracle’s InnoDB+ storage engine?

That’s right, I said InnoDB+, with a “plus” at the end. I didn’t know it existed until, while following some links from Monty’s appeal to save MySQL, I decided to read a Groklaw post that links to Eben Moglen’s letter to the EU Commission, which includes this text:

Innobase could therefore have provided an enhanced version of InnoDB, like Oracle’s current InnoDB+, under non-GPL license, …

I don’t know anything more. Do you?

Related posts:

  1. What data types does your …
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451 CAOS Links 2009.12.11

Sun updates Java platform. Red Hat open sources SPICE. And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

For the latest on Oracle’s acquisition of MySQL via Sun, see Everything you always wanted to know about MySQL but were afraid to ask

# Sun has released Java Platform EE 6, Glassfish 3, and NetBeans 6.8.

# Red Hat released its …

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The case against the case against Oracle-MySQL

Matt Asay is right, in my opinion, to point out the inherent bias in the case Monty Widenius et al have made against Oracle’s potential ownership of MySQL. I would go further, however, in stating that the case being made against Oracle is flawed by the fact that it is so self-serving. For instance:

  • I previously noted that the Widenius/Mueller case against Oracle owning Sun/MySQL is entirely dependent on the theory that Oracle will not invest in the ongoing development of MySQL, which is something it has publicly committed to doing.
  • The case against Oracle owning Sun is also based on the theory …
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