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Displaying posts with tag: conference (reset)
Upcoming speaking engagements: Oracle OpenWorld, DOAG Conference

It's that time of the year again — the summer holidays are over and the conference season starts!

I'm very excited to be at Oracle Open World in San Francisco again, where I will pretty busy. On Saturday and Sunday I will attend MySQL Connect, primarily to man the Oracle Linux booth in the exhibition area. But I hope to catch some of the talks as well (I shared my favourite sessions with Keith Larson from the MySQL team in this interview). During Open World, I will help out manning the Oracle Linux demo pods in the exhibition grounds in Moscone South, where we will showcase Oracle Linux with Ksplice and related technologies. I also have a joint presentation with two of our …

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My speaking engagements - Q4 2012

After a long pause in the speaking game, I am back.

It's since April that I haven't been on stage, and it is now time to resume my public duties.

  • I will speak at MySQL Connect in San Francisco, just at the start of Oracle Open World, with a talk on MySQL High Availability: Power and Usability. It is about the cool technology that is keeping me busy here at Continuent, which can make life really easy for DBAs. This talk will be a demo fest. If you are attending MySQL Connect, you should see it!
  • A happy return for me. On October 27th I will talk about open source databases and the pleasures of command line operations at …
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XLDB Tutorial on Data Structures and Algorithms

Next week Michael and I (Bradley) will be travelling to Silicon Valley to present a tutorial on Data Structures and Algorithms for Big Databases at the 6th XLDB Conference.

The tutorial, which is 4 hours on Monday afternoon, aims to cover the following topics (but it’s looking like we’ll have to drop several items for lack of time.)

This tutorial will explore data structures and algorithms for big databases. The topics include:

  • Data structures including B-trees, Log Structured Merge Trees, and Streaming B-trees.
  • Approximate Query Membership data structures including Bloom filters and cascade filters.
  • Algorithms for join including hash joins and Graefe’s generalized join.
  • Index design, including covering indexes. …
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ConFoo 2013: Call for Papers is Now Open!

ConFoo is one of the most important web developer-oriented conferences. ConFoo 2013 will be held on February 25 through March 1 in Montreal, Canada.

We just opened call for papers and we are looking for the best PHP, Java, Ruby, DotNet,HTML5 experts who are willing to share their knowledge with the Canadian community. Candidates can submit proposals until September 23. Consult the call for papers page for details and to start submitting. That page also explains what expenses ConFoo can cover for speakers. You can also get advice on how to write proposals.

The call for papers is public, meaning that all proposals get published on the website for others to vote and comment on. This approach allows the organizers to pick subjects that have …

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Speaking at MySQL Connect 2012

At the end of September, the MySQL Connect 2012 conference will be held as part of Oracle OpenWorld in San Francisco. MySQL Connect is a two day event that allows attendees to focus on MySQL at a technical depth with presentations and interaction with many of the MySQL developers, engineers and other knowledgeable staff. There is also a range a international speakers to give broader knowledge to the presentations.

I am presenting a Hands-On Lab on Sunday 30th September 16:15 - 17:15 entitled HOL10474 - MySQL Security: Authentication and Auditing. The sessions goes through an introduction to the plugin API and how it can help expand the capabilities of MySQL. Since it is a hands-on lab, …

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Next week I (Bradley) will be traveling to FROSCON near Bonn, Germany, and then on to VLDB in Istanbul.

At FROSCON I’ll be talking about fast data structures for maintaining indexes. The talk will share some content with my upcoming MySQL Connect talk.

At VLDB, Dzejla Medjedovic will be presenting a talk on our paper on SSD-friendly Bloom-filter-like data structures. The paper is

Michael A. Bender, Martin Farach-Colton, Rob Johnson, Russell Kraner, Bradley C. Kuszmaul, Dzejla Medjedovic, Pablo Montes, Pradeep Shetty, Richard P. Spillane, and Erez Zadok.
Don’t Thrash: How to Cache Your Hash on Flash. PVLDB 5(11):1627-1637, 2012.

An earlier version of the paper appeared at …

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Early Bird Registration Rate for MySQL Connect Ends on July 27

If you haven't already registered for MySQL Connect, now is the time to do it.

Looking for the right reason to attend? Here are the TOP THREE REASONS...

  • You'll get the chance to hear directly from users including PayPal, Verizon, Twitter, Facebook, Ticketmaster, Ning, Mozilla, CERN, Yahoo! and more, about best practices for deploying MySQL based solutions.
  • Don't miss this unique opportunity to meet the engineers developing and supporting the MySQL products, all in a single location. You'll be able to ask them all your questions and provide them feedback.
  • Acquire detailed knowledge about the latest …
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Balada Para Un Loco – A Review of the MySQL, NoSQL, and Cloud Conference

… Ya se que estás piantao, piantao, piantao…

For my lastest blog, a review of the MySQL, NoSQL and Cloud Conference, I’ll continue to use the tango metaphor. Balada para un loco (ballad for a crazy one) is a Piazzola classic and explains what I think of Santiago Lertora from Binlogic for single handedly putting together this event; he had to be piantao (slang for ‘crazy’) to pursue his vision to kick start the Open Source database community in South America into becoming as active as it is in the US and Europe. He was able to gather some renowned speakers such as our own Martin Farach-Colton, Sheeri Cabral from Mozilla, Max Mether and Massimo Brignoli from SkySQL, Colin Charles from Monty Program, Alejandro Kojima from the MySQL team at Oracle, Oracle ACE director Ronald Bradford, and many more. Among the firms attending, some …

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Pythian at MySQL NoSQL & Cloud Conference & Expo, Buenos Aires

It’s with great pleasure that I announce that my friend and colleague, Francisco Bordenave, will be talking about MySQL Replication at 2:10pm on the 28th of June 2012. This is the 1st Latin American MySQL, NoSQL and Cloud Conference in Buenos Aires being held at the Hilton Hotel.
Replication is at the heart of many highly available MySQL installations. Francisco will be giving an introduction to replication, the fundamentals behind the feature and he will be disclosing some of his tips and tricks for monitoring and troubleshooting. He will also be talking about some of the awesome features that Oracle are releasing in the next major version, 5.6.

If you use replication for your product then this is one not to miss!

There are some other great talks going on this week at the conference. If I was at the conference I would be keen to see;

How …

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Volver – MySQL, NoSQL, and Cloud Conference Latin America

con la frente marchita,
las nieves del tiempo
platearon mi sien…

Martin’s blog (Mi Buenos Aires Querido) was named after a tango, so I decided to follow his lead. The 4 lines of the refrain make reference to someone returning to Buenos Aires after 20 years, now looking a little bit older. I moved to the US about 15 years ago and have returned many times to visit. However, I have never gone back to participate in an event like this with so many renowned speakers from the MySQL community. The list include many people with whom I have worked with over the past decade. …

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