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Codership at DOAG Nürnberg 19-22 Nov, German articles about Galera Cluster from Ordix

Codership will be a sponsor at DOAG 2024 in Nuremberg, Germany. There will also be 2 Galera Cluster related talks to attend:

  1. Building a Global, High-Availability Database with Galera Cluster: A Live Demo Colin Charles Codership
  2. Safe Harbor! Wie der Galera Cluster ihre MySQL Datenbanken „unsinkbar“ macht. Matthias Jung Ordix

There are also a few Galera Cluster blog posts in German from our partner Ordix that are useful:

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MySQL®-Vorträge ab morgen bei der DOAG 2012 Konferenz + Ausstellung

Codership, SkySQL und weitere Top-Experten rund um das Thema ‘MySQL Datenbanken” in Nürnberg versammelt

Unser Kollege Ralf Gebhardt ist dieses Jahr mit einem Vortrag zum Thema ‘Hochverfügbarkeitslösungen für die MySQL Datenbank’ auf der DOAG Konferenz zu hören und zu sehen. Weitere Interessante Themen sind z.B. ein Vortrag von Coderships Seppo Jaakola zu ‘Galera Cluster - synchronous multi-master replication for MySQL’.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch beim MySQL-Stream der DOAG 2012 Konferenz!

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Upcoming speaking engagements: Oracle OpenWorld, DOAG Conference

It's that time of the year again — the summer holidays are over and the conference season starts!

I'm very excited to be at Oracle Open World in San Francisco again, where I will pretty busy. On Saturday and Sunday I will attend MySQL Connect, primarily to man the Oracle Linux booth in the exhibition area. But I hope to catch some of the talks as well (I shared my favourite sessions with Keith Larson from the MySQL team in this interview). During Open World, I will help out manning the Oracle Linux demo pods in the exhibition grounds in Moscone South, where we will showcase Oracle Linux with Ksplice and related technologies. I also have a joint presentation with two of our …

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Come Hear about MySQL Cluster Internals at the DOAG Conference

If you’re in Nuremberg Germany next week (November 15-17th) and have anything to do with Oracle or their products, then the DOAG (German Oracle User Group) conference is the place to be. I will be representing SkySQL Ab at the conference, giving a talk about the internal architecture of MySQL Cluster. The talk will look at the internals of MySQL Cluster and at the different processes that ensure the High Availability of MySQL Cluster. Beyond that, the talk will also look at how the data is stored on the data nodes, how different types of queries are resolved in the cluster, and how a primary key lookup is executed differs significantly from a tree index search. The talk will also look at the resources involved in resolving the queries.
So if any of the above sounds interesting come and listen to my talk in room Singapur at 13:00 on Tuesday!

What's coming up?

In my last post, I provided a short review of what I have been working on in the past few months since I joined the Oracle Linux team. Now it's time for a summary of upcoming events! Looking forward, I already have a few more things lined up:

I'll attend and speak at the Oracle OpenWorld 2011 conference in San Francisco in October. I have a joint session with Chris Mason titled Overview: New Features in Oracle Linux 6 where we'll cover the latest developments. I have another joint presentation with my colleague Rob Young from the MySQL product …

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My Presentation at the DOAG 2010

Yesterday I presented PBXT: A Transactional Storage Engine for MySQL at the German Oracle User Group Conference (DOAG) in Nuremberg. A number of people asked for the slides, so here is the link.

The talk was scheduled to be in English, but since I had a German-only audience I presented in German. There was quite a bit of interest, particularly in the Engine Level replication built into PBXT 2.0.

As Ronny observed, this feature can be used effectively for many tasks, including for online backup and maintaining a hot-standby. This all with the addition of a "small" feature:

The Master could initially stream the entire database over to the Slave before actual replication begins. This would also make it extremely easy to setup replication.

A brilliant idea, but a good 3 months work...

Back from Lisbon, off to Nuremberg

Yesterday afternoon I returned from the SAPO CodeBits 2010 conference, which took place in Lisbon, Portugal. Just like the previous year, CodeBits has been a great conference to be at and I am grateful for having been selected for participation. Thursday, the first conference day was quite a busy one for me — I gave two presentations in a row:

Afterwards, I also participated in a panel discussion about " …

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MySQL streams at upcoming Oracle User Group Conferences in the UK and Germany

November is going to be a busy month for MySQL, conference-wise. There will be two fairly big events, organized by the independent Oracle User Groups in Germany (DOAG) and the UK (UKOUG).

On November 16th-18th, the DOAG Conference & Exhibition 2010 will take place in Nuremberg, Germany. This conference, which has been around for more than 20 years usually attracts a rather large audience -- more than 2000 visitors participated in the 2009 event and were able to listen to more than 300 individual sessions. For the first time, there will be a dedicated stream of presentations related to MySQL, which will be delivered by both Oracle employees as well as members of the MySQL community. You …

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Upcoming MySQL Conferences

Unlike previous years when the number of conferences with MySQL content diminishes after the O’Reilly MySQL and OSCON conferences (Open SQL Camp excluded), this year has a lot on offer.

This month:

Upcoming next month in September:

  • MySQL Sunday at Oracle Open World on September 18 in San Francisco includes 4 tracks and around 15 quality speakers. (Big numbers of attendees also rumored but yet unconfirmed).
  • The inaugural Surge Scalability conference in Baltimore will include presentations by myself and …
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MySQL track at the German Oracle User Group conference

As we have seen for other events, the MySQL community has been invited to attend and participate in conferences organized by the Oracle User Groups.

After the past, present and future events in the United States, now we start with Europe.

There is a MySQL Track at the DOAG 2010 Conference, the …

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