Replication between Tungsten clusters
The process I will describe in this post will allow you to
configure replication between Tungsten clusters. The most common
use case I have seen for this is a dedicated ETL cluster.
The setup will look like this:
So we will have a composite datasource (compositeprod) composed
of east and west clusters, and two ETL clusters, one on each
The described setup allows failover or switchover within a
single datacenter (e.g. db1.east -> db2.east) or to the
Disaster Recovery Site, (e.g. db1.east -> db1.west) for the
core cluster.
At the time of this article’s publication it is not
possible to replicate between two composite clusters, so
each ETL cluster needs to be standalone. This feature is
expected for Tungsten 5.0 release.
We will install a standalone replicator on the
ETL hosts to bring data in …
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