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Displaying posts with tag: install (reset)
MySQL 5.6 Replication with GTID – Global Transaction ID

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Hi guys, Early February Oracle released the new version of MySQL named 5.6, one of the enhancements is the GTID (Global Transaction ID)

GTID is an unique identifier which will be added at each transaction, and will be very useful on the slave. remember before we needed to set MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS, now we don’t need them anymore.

Let’s see some new variables which we need to add to our cnf file:
gtid-mode : It will enable GTID, in order to this function work, we need to turn on log-bin and log-slave-updates
enforce-gtid-consistency : It will guarantee that only allowed command will be executed ( more information here)

Basicly, is only this what we need to enable GTID, for this tutorial I will …

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Packages to get MariaDB and tests up and running


It’s often pain to guess package names when you need to install stuff on, lets say, CentOS. So there is a list, although maybe not full, of what I needed to get another VM build and run MariaDB server and to execute at least some tests on it (all done via yum install):


Same in one line, for lazy me:
sudo yum install cmake gcc ncurses-devel bison g++ gcc-c++ perl-DBD-MySQL gdb libaio-devel openssl-devel

To install bzr (if it’s not in the official repo):

su -c ‘rpm -Uvh’
(check the architecture)

and then can use yum install

Another story (taken …

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Tungsten Replicator cookbook. Advanced replication topologies made easy

I have been asked many times to provide an easy way of deploying fan-in and star schema replication schemas. So far, I have been delayed by more pressing duties.

Now the time has come. Since we are about to release a new version of Tungsten Replicator, I made the effort of putting together the steps for an easy deployment.


The package (with downloads and svn code available at Tungsten-Replicator Toolbox) includes some juicy goodies. There are recipes to install.

  • Master/slave, the classic replication topology. Nothing fancy, but with the tools mentioned in the next section, it becomes as valuable as the other topologies.
  • All-masters. This is the Tungsten no-SPOF topology. Every node is a master, and every node has a …
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A small rant on Galera & XtraDB Cluster

I had to install Percona XtraDB Cluster, I think for the first time since it was announced stable. I remembered many problems I faced with beta releases, which was understandable given they were only for a preview, but this time I hoped for significant improvements.

I have to say I am generally quite sensitive about simple problems that could/should be easily discovered and corrected. Well, it didn’t take five minutes to see a few of such problems. These minutes I spent installing the database binaries from Percona Yum repository. It turned out that was enough to see a lot of errors for no reason. Not a good thing.

  Installing : 1:Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-server-5.5.23-23.5.333.rhel6.x86_64         5/5
ls: cannot access /var/lib/mysql/*.err: No such file or directory
ls: cannot access /var/lib/mysql/*.err: No such file or directory
[Note] Flashcache bypass: disabled

Why does it matter that ls: cannot access …

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Install and configure MySQL on EC2 with RedHat Linux

Recently I had to turn a few EC2 instances into MySQL database servers. The third time I had to do it, I grabbed the list of steps from my previous sessions and just replayed it. Later I thought maybe polishing information a little bit and publishing a step-by-step walkthrough on the blog may help a few people. So here it is.

Before you begin.

For my MySQL instances I used the following:

  • Extra Large, High-Memory, and High-CPU instances. Although the instruction should work on any type of instance.
  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 6.2 64-bit AMI
  • For MySQL data storage, multiple identical EBS devices attached to each instance

The configuration template provided in this post assumes the new MySQL instance only needs InnoDB storage engine.

Grab the packages.

Download the appropriate packages from MySQL web page. You …

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How to install and configure a Linux server for MySQL?

Have you ever spent a lot of time thinking about how to install and configure a Linux server for MySQL database? I will try to highlight all the critical steps and some of the decisions you may need to make.

Linux distribution.

Unless you have a really good experience in systems administration, choose a widely supported Linux distribution. The best choices usually are RedHat or its free cousin called CentOS. Compatible alternatives you could also consider are Scientific Linux and Oracle Linux. Make sure you will be installing a 64-bit version, unless you have a very good reason not to.


If you have multiple disks available in the server, create a single array from all disks. Choose RAID level that offers better performance rather than more disk space, so either RAID 1 or RAID …

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Getting started with Tungsten Replicator and Tungsten Sandbox
We have been busy, at Continuent. In addition to our usual work with high performance replication, we have addressed usability issues, since we know that a hard-to-use problem, no matter how powerful, has low adoption. Thus, is with some personal satisfaction that I can announce the release of Tungsten Replicator 2.0.3, which comes with several huge improvements in matter of user friendliness. The new installation procedure is so user friendly, in fact, that I was able to build a sophisticated tungsten-sandbox with a 150-line shell script. (The corresponding features …
[Read more] – configuring OpenBSD for MySQL benchmarking

Here are some quick commands for installing the proper packages and requirements for the MySQL dbbenchmark program.

export PKG_PATH=""
pkg_add -i -v wget
pkg_add -i -v python
Ambiguous: choose package for python
 a       0: 
         1: python-2.4.6p2
         2: python-2.5.4p3
         3: python-2.6.3p1
Your choice: 2

pkg_add -i -v py-mysql
pkg_add -i -v mysql
pkg_add -i -v mysql-server
ln -s /usr/local/bin/python2.5 /usr/bin/python
gzip -d dbbenchmark-version-0.1.beta_rev26.tar.gz
tar -xvf dbbenchmark-version-0.1.beta_rev26.tar
cd dbbenchmark-version-0.1.beta_rev26
./ --print-sql
 - login to mysql and execute sql commands
Sure-fire MySQL Install on Windows

Due to firewalls, virus scans, corporate security restrictions, or just plain bad luck; there are times when MySQL just won’t install on a specific Windows server.  Here’s a sure-fire install method.   Relax, I won’t have you run the msi installer again.

The first step is to remove directories from your previous install attempts.  Uninstall from the control panel.  Manually, rename or delete “C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1″.  Next, delete (or rename) the data directory.  Warning! If you have previously entered data into MySQL, deleting the data directory will delete data.  The directory is located at “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\data”.   You may need to unhide the data directory.

Let’s get started.

#1.   …

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How to install MySQL Enterprise Monitor agents in a failover environment

MySQL Enterprise Monitor is a tool to watch and analyze multiple MySQL environments from a single web based dashboard. More information is available on the MySQL homepage. Each MySQL instance is monitored by a small agent that connects to the MySQL instance and reads statistics that is sent to the MySQL Enterprise Monitor (MEM) Server.That setup is very easy. But if the MySQL server is in a cluster failover configuration, there are some things to consider when installing the MEM agent:

What do you want?

Do you want to have two entries in the MEM dashboard for both physical servers?This is good because: …

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