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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL Cluster Manager (reset)
MySQL Cluster Manager 1.2.4 is released

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.2.4 is now available to download from My Oracle Support or from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.

The biggest new feature in this release is the support for MySQL Cluster 7.3. Details on the changes can be found in the MySQL Cluster Manager documentation .

Documentation is available here.

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.2.3 Released

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.2.3 is now available to download from My Oracle Support.

Details on the changes can be found in the MySQL Cluster Manager documentation .

Documentation is available here.

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.2.2 released

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.2.2 is now available to download from E-delivery and from My Oracle Support .

Details on the changes can be found in the MySQL Cluster Manager documentation . Please give it a try and let me know what you think.

Documentation is available here.

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.2 – using the new features

Oracle have just announced that MySQL Cluster Manager 1.2 is Generally Available. For anyone not familiar with MySQL Cluster Manager – it’s a command-line management tool that makes it simpler and safer to manage your MySQL Cluster deployment – use it to create, configure, start, stop, upgrade…. your cluster.

So what has changed since MCM 1.1 was released?

The first thing is that a lot of work has happened under the covers and it’s now faster, more robust and can manage larger clusters. Feature-wise you get the following (note that a couple of these were released early as part of post-GA versions of MCM 1.1):

  • Automation of on-line backup and restore
  • Single command to start MCM and a single-host Cluster …
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MySQL Cluster Manager 1.1.6 released

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.1.6 is now available to download from My Oracle Support.

Details on the changes can will be added to the MySQL Cluster Manager documentation . Please give it a try and let me know what you think.

Note that if you’re not a commercial user then you can still download MySQL Cluster Manager 1.1.5 from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud and try it out for free. Documentation is available here.

On-line add-node with MCM; a more complex example

I’ve previously provided an example of using MySQL Cluster Manager to add nodes to a running MySQL Cluster deployment but I’ve since received a number of questions around how to do this in more complex circumstances (for example when ending up with more than 1 MySQL Server on a single host where each mysqld process should use a different port). The purpose of this post is to work through one of these more complex scenarios.

The starting point is an existing cluster made up of 3 hosts with the nodes (processes) as described in this MCM report:

mcm> SHOW STATUS -r mycluster;
| NodeId | Process  | Host                          | Status …
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MySQL Scaling breakfast seminar – London, April 25th

I’ll be presenting on/demoing MySQL Cluster 7.2 at this free breakfast seminar in Oracle’s London office on 25th April – starting with coffee at 9:00 and ending with lunch at 13:00 (quite a generous take on “breakfast”!). Space is limited and so if you would like to attend then register early here.

As well as MySQL Cluster there will be …

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MySQL Cluster Manager 1.1.4 Released – includes support for MySQL Cluster 7.2

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.1. is now available to download and try from Oracle E-Delivery (select “MySQL Database” as the product pack).

There’s lots of good stuff gone in under the covers as part of this release, with some of the highlights being:

  • Support for MySQL Cluster 7.2
  • Configuration of MySQL Server parameters
  • Verbose option added to commands for extra info on what’s going on
  • Faster Cluster rolling restarts – data nodes from different node groups will be restarted in parallel (still avoids an outage but cuts the end-to-end restart time)
  • Robustness enhancements to the configurator – especially important when managing large Clusters
  • Bug fixes (well we always need to include that one) …
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MySQL Cluster Manager 1.1.2 – creating a Cluster is now trivial

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.1.2 is now available to download and try from Oracle E-Delivery (select “MySQL Database” as the product pack). Something that’s new and really cool in the new version is that you can download a version of MCM that actually includes the MySQL Cluster software itself and then you can have MCM automatically define, create and start a single-host cluster deployment for you with just the command “mcmd –bootstrap”. This post aims to show that it’s really as simple as that!

I’ve been playing with Windows recently and so I’ll use that for this example but things would be very similar on other platforms.

Step 1 Download from E-Delivery and extract the zip file

Step2 Start your first cluster! …

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MySQL Cluster Manager 1.1.1 (GA) Available

The latest (GA) version of MySQL Cluster Manager is available through Oracle’s E-Delivery site. You can download the software and try it out for yourselves (just select “MySQL Database” as the product pack, select your platform, click “Go” and then scroll down to get the software).

So what’s new in this version

If you’ve looked at MCM in the past then the first thing that you’ll notice is that it’s now much simpler to get it up and running – in particular the configuration and running of the agent has now been reduced to just running a single executable (called "mcmd").

The second change is that you can now stop the MCM agents from within the MCM CLI – for example "stop agents mysite" will safely stop all of the agents running on the …

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