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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL Cluster (reset)
Mastering Continuent Clustering Series: Global Clustering with Active/Active Meshed Replication

Did you know that Continuent Clustering supports having clusters at multiple sites world-wide with active-active replication meshing them together?

Not only that, but we support a flexible hybrid model that allows for a blended architecture using any combination of node types. So mix-and-match your highly available database layer on bare metal, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, Google Cloud, VMware, etc.

The possibilities are endless, as is the business value. This strong topology allows you to have all the benefits of high availability with local reads and writes, while spreading that data globally to be accessible in all regions. Latency is limited only by the WAN link and the speed of the target node.

This aligns perfectly with the distributed Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model where customers and data span the globe. Applications have access to ALL the …

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InnoDB Cluster in a Nutshell: Part 2 MySQL Router

MySQL InnoDB Cluster is an Oracle High Availability solution that can be easily installed over MySQL to provide high availability with multi-master capabilities and automatic failover. In the previous post we presented the first component of InnoDB Cluster, group replication. Now we will go through the second component, MySQL Router.  We will address MySQL Shell in a final instalment of this three-part series. By then, you should have a good overview of the features offeed by MySQL InnoDB Cluster.

MySQL Router

This component is responsible for distributing the traffic between members of the cluster. It is a proxy-like solution to hide cluster topology from applications, so applications don’t …

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Mastering Continuent Clustering Series: Tuning for High-Latency Links

What if I want the cluster to be less sensitive to network, especially WAN latency?

Continuent Clustering supports having clusters at multiple sites with active-active replication meshing them together.

This is extraordinarily powerful, yet at times high network latency can make it harder for messaging between the sites to arrive in a timely manner.

This is evidenced by seeing the following in the Manager log files named tmsvc.log:

2018/07/08 16:51:05 | db3 |  INFO [Rule_0604$u58$_DETECT_UNREACHABLE_REMOTE_SERVICE1555959201] - CONSEQUENCE: [Sun Jul 08 16:51:04 UTC 2018] CLUSTER global/omega(state=UNREACHABLE)
2018/07/08 16:51:42 | db3 |  INFO [Rule_2025$u58$_REPORT_COMPONENT_STATE_TRANSITIONS1542395297] - CLUSTER 'omega@global' STATE TRANSITION UNREACHABLE => ONLINE

The delta is 37 seconds in the above example between state=UNREACHABLE and UNREACHABLE => ONLINE

The default …

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Setting up NDB cluster connection pooling with MySQL Cluster Manager

Cluster connection pooling
The new MySQL Cluster 7.6 GA supports NDB connection pooling – using multiple NDBAPI connections from a single mysqld to NDB – to allow increased concurrency and throughput.

Cluster connection pooling has been supported in MySQL Cluster for quite a while.

Using –login-path with MySQL Cluster Manager

Protective convenience
Recent versions of MySQL has an added security feature, the –login-path option. This feature puts your username and password in an encrypted file, and you refer clients to this file instead of typing plain text passwords on the console, or putting them in scripts.

Getting started with MySQL Cluster 7.6 using MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.6

MySQL Cluster 7.6 is GA!
If you’re eager to give the recently announced MySQL Cluster 7.6 GA a spin, I’ll walk you through a quick and simple way to get started using MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.6.

Bootstrap and go!

  1. Download and install MCM and MySQL Cluster
  2. Bootstrap a cluster with MCM

    $ mcmd –bootstrap
  3. Connect to the database, and have at it

    $ mysql -h -P 3306 -u root

That simple.…

MySQL Cluster 7.6 is now Generally Available

      Bernd Ocklin | MySQL Cluster Engineering Director

It gives us great pleasure to announce that the 7.6 release of MySQL Cluster is GA and now ready for prime time. 

MySQL Cluster is a distributed database combining linear scalability and high availability. An ultra-high speed database, MySQL Cluster provides in-memory real-time access with transactional consistency across partitioned and distributed data sets designed for highly available mission critical applications.

MySQL Cluster’s shared nothing architecture delivers an incredible 99.9999% availability and is used within the core of systems that serve billions of mobile phone users, leading online-games and high demand web services. 

This new MySQL Cluster 7.6 version is all about supporting and optimizing performance on the latest off the shelf hardware, increasing its ability to both scale up on ever …

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MySQL Cluster 7.6GA in the Cloud: the RPM/YUM platform

In this series of blogs I will do my best to demonstrate how to set up and run Cluster in Cloud environment by hand and by utilizing MCC. For detailed configuration, I will use MCC (Auto-installer). Some of the information regarding this setup is provided in post by Mikael. Information regarding Auto-installer is available in our documentation, HTML help files in share/MCC distribution directory and in my blog post.

Cloud setup It might come as surprise but for initial testing any instance should do. I started with 1CPU/1GB RAM ones. The target topology was:

  • Host #1: Management node and Cluster client tools.
  • Host #2: Multi-threaded DATA node. …
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MySQL Cluster 7.6 is Generally Available

It gives us great pleasure to announce that the 7.6 release of MySQL Cluster is now ready for prime time.

MySQL Cluster is the distributed database combining linear scalability and high availability. It provides in-memory real-time access with transactional consistency across partitioned and distributed datasets designed for mission critical applications.…

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.6 released!

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.6 is now available for download from My Oracle Support.

In MCM 1.4.6, the list backups command has been extended with a new –agent option for listing agent backups created with the backup agents command.

mcm> list backups --agent mysite;
| BackupId   | Agent | Host    | Timestamp            | Comment |
| 1522914101 | 0     | tonfisk | 2018-04-05 07:41:41Z |         |
| 1522914105 | 0     | tonfisk | 2018-04-05 07:41:45Z |         |
| 1522914121 | 0     | tonfisk | 2018-04-05 07:42:01Z |         | …
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Showing entries 31 to 40 of 506
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