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Displaying posts with tag: Performance (reset)
Performance monitoring with nmon

In this tutorial I will describe, how to use nmon (Nigel’s performance Monitor) to monitor performance data in the interactive mode or in the capture mode.

nmon can display / capture the following performance data

  • CPU utilization
  • Memory use
  • Kernel statistics and run queue
  • Disks I/O rates, transfers, and read/write ratios
  • File systems size and free space
  • Disk adapters
  • Network I/O rates, transfers, and read/write ratios
  • Paging space and paging rates
  • Machine details, CPU and OS specification
  • Top processors
  • User defined disk groups
  • Asynchronous I/O – AIX only
  • Workload Manager – AIX only
  • ESS and other disk subsystem – AIX only
  • Dynamic LPAR changes …
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Tech Messages | 2011-09-21

A special extended edition of Tech Messages for 2011-08-31 through 2011-09-21:

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Database metics - thoughts and measurements

If I were to ask you 'what are the (database) metrics?', what do you think I'm asking? Thats an interesting question and something that requires some thought so lets handle this by actually looking at the following two alternative questions. 'What am I trying to archive [with database metrics]?' and 'how will I know when I have achieved it [by having database metrics]'?

Define the problem

What are we really doing
What are we trying to achieve?

  • Know how much capacity we have
  • Know that our databases are fast

How do we know when we have achieved it?

  • When we can forward plan upgrades when we are near a capacity limit
  • To be alerted of when things are not fast we can we investigate

So, what is capacity

Capacity is knowing how much extra we can do without making things 'slow'. Its a …

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MySQL 5.5 Defaults may pose Performance Issues

We have seen a few instances where upgrades of MySQL 5.1 to 5.5 have resulted in poor performance when using default values. After investigation it would appear that the main culprit appears to be the innodb_thread_concurrency setting.

In MySQL 5.1 the default was 8, while in MySQL 5.5, the default was changed to 0 (unlimited).

So what does innodb_thread_concurrency do and why would it cause performance issues?

The value given to innodb_thread_concurrency sets the number of simultaneous threads the InnoDB engine will create.  If there are more jobs waiting to be processed than there are available thread slots, these jobs will be made to wait until a thread slot becomes free.  So on the face of it, making this unlimited sounds like a good idea - so you won't have any jobs waiting on thread slots.

In an ideal world, unlimited is good.  In the real world, unlimited doesn't exist.  CPUs only have …

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On connections

MySQL is needlessly slow at accepting new connections. People usually work around that by having various sorts of connection pools, but there’s always a scale at which connection pools are not feasible. Sometimes connection avalanches come unexpected, and even if MySQL would have no trouble dealing with queries, it will have problems letting clients in. Something has to be done about it.

Lots of these problems have been low hanging fruits for years – it ‘was not detected’ by benchmarks because everyone who benchmarks MySQL would know that persistent connections are much faster and therefore wouldn’t look at connection speeds anymore.

Usually people attribute most of slowness to the LOCK_thread_count mutex – they are only partially right. This mutex does not just handle the counter of active running connections, but pretty much every operation that deals with increase or decrease of threads (thread cache, active thread …

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5 Things That Are Toxic to Scalability

Scalability is about application, architecture and infrastructure design, and careful management of server components.

1. Object Relational Mappers

ORMs are popular among developers but not among performance experts.  Why is that?  Primarily these two engineers experience a web application from entirely different perspectives.  One is building functionality, delivering features, and results are measured on fitting business requirements.  Performance and scalability are often low priorities at this stage.  ORMs allow developers to be much more productive, abstracting away the SQL difficulties of interacting with the backend datastore, and allowing them to concentrate on building the features and functionality.

On the performance side the picture is a bit different.  By leaving SQL query writing to an ORM, you are faced with complex queries that the database cannot optimize …

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Creating JDBC Connections Doesn't Have To Be Slow (or "not the reason to be using a pool")

Hanging out in #mysql on freenode the other day, I overheard someone saying that the reason to use connection pools with MySQL is because JDBC connections are expensive to create. That is true out of the box, but mostly because the out of the box behavior of MySQL's JDBC driver is to be standards-compliant. If you know that your DBA and your developers aren't doing crazy things with the database (changing configurations without letting the developers know, going around the "standard" API calls to start/end transactions, etc), then you can get to the point where connection setup is no slower than any other API. Does this mean you shouldn't use a connection pool? NO! (more on this next week).

Here's an iterative overview of the changes made in configuration, and how they affect what queries the driver does on initialization.

First, asking the driver to connect with default configuration results in the following statements being …

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SNMP Traps into MySQL is Sublime

I use snmptrapd to catch SNMP traps and then put them into a MySQL database using a pretty generic trap handler. This gives me the opportunity to generate such useful information as: > SELECT HOUR(time) AS "hour", COUNT(*) AS "bounces" FROM snmptraps WHERE hostname = 'XXX' AND time > '2011-07-25' AND trap_oid = 'SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 IF-MIB::linkDown' […]

OurSQL Episode 54: Scaling MySQL

Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo event page, and Baron's announcement of the conference.

Dates to keep in mind:
September 1st - call for speakers opens
November 1st - call for speakers closes
Tuesday April 10th - Thursday April 12th

This week we interview Doron Levari, CEO and co-founder of ScaleBase. ScaleBase transparently scales your database, so you can have many shards without having to code sharding in your application. The sharding is completely transparent to the application. This can be combined with regular replication to have automatic use of a standby if a shard's primary database fails.

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Economy up or down, can open source come out on top?

We’ve written about how a bad economy is indeed good for open source software. We’ve also recognized that with open source software’s maturity and place at the enterprise software table, a bad economy can be a double-edged sword for open source since the failure or fade of large enterprise customers, say big banks, hurts open source vendors right alongside traditional software providers.

What is interesting is that after a couple of years of economic rebuilding, we’ve seen recently how open source is being driven by innovation, particularly in cloud computing, …

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