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Displaying posts with tag: sql (reset)
I’m speaking at Surge 2011

I’ll be speaking at Surge again this year. This time, unlike last year’s talk, I’m tackling a very concrete topic: extracting scalability and performance metrics from TCP network traffic. It turns out that most things that communicate over TCP can be analyzed very elegantly just by capturing arrival and departure timestamps of packets, nothing more. I’ll show examples where different views on the same data pull out completely different insights about the application, even though we have no information about the application itself (okay, I actually know that it’s a MySQL database, and a lot about the actual database and workload, but I don’t need that in order to do what I’ll show you). It’s an amazingly powerful technique that I continue to find new ways to apply to real systems.

Take a …

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Measuring open-source success by jobs

It’s notoriously hard to measure the usage of open-source software. Software that’s open-source or free can be redistributed far and wide, so the original creators have no idea how many times it’s installed, deployed, or distributed. As a proxy, we often use downloads, but that’s woefully inadequate.

I’ve recently begun trying to figure out how many job openings are mentioning various open-source projects. I think that this might be a better metric because it’s driven by the end result (usage), rather than intermediate processes (downloads, etc). I think that it’s likely that usage and demand for skilled people is somewhat realistically related.

To be more concrete, I’ve been watching RSS feeds from job posting aggregators for several alternative versions of MySQL: Percona Server, MariaDB, and Drizzle. It appears that Percona Server is by far the most in-demand in terms of job skills. (I haven’t seen a job posting …

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A review of SQL Antipatterns by Bill Karwin

SQL Antipatterns, by Bill Karwin, Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2010. About 300 pages. Here’s a link to the publisher’s site.

I loved this book. (Disclosure: Bill is a colleague of mine.) This is the first book I’ve read from the Pragmatic Bookshelf, and if the rest are like this one, I want to read them. The quality of the writing is way above the average technical book. Techniques that feel gimmicky and forced in other books, such as fake stories to introduce each chapter, actually work here (because they’re real stories, not fake ones). Each topic is named in a memorable way and introduced very …

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When can I have a big server in the cloud?

I was at a conference recently talking with a Major Cloud Hosting Provider and mentioned that for database servers, I really want large instances, quite a bit larger than the largest I can get now. The lack of cloud servers with lots of memory, many fast cores, and fast I/O and network performance leads to premature sharding, which is costly. A large number of applications can currently run on a single real server, but would require sharding to run in any of the popular cloud providers’ environments. And many of those applications aren’t growing rapidly, so by the time they outgrow today’s hardware we can pretty much count on simply upgrading and staying on a single machine.

The person I was talking to actually seemed to become angry at me, and basically called me an idiot. This person’s opinion is that no one should be running on anything larger than 4GB of memory, and anyone who doesn’t build their system to be sharded …

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A review of MySQL Replication by Russell Dyer

MySQL Replication by Russell Dyer, Silent Killdeer, 2010. About 180 pages.

This is a pocket-sized guide to setting up and managing MySQL replication. It is self-published and made via print-on-demand technology. Topics include how replication works, setting up replication, making backups, and administering replication after it’s working. There are several appendixes for replication-related functionality in the MySQL server and command-line tools.

This book doesn’t go into great depth, so don’t expect it to be a reference manual to replication internals or anything like that. It’s more of a how-to manual for beginners, walking through the basics of binary and relay logs, SQL and I/O …

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MySQL: Using Views as Performance Improvement Tools

The most basic and most oft-repeated task that a DBA has to accomplish is to look at slow logs and filter out queries that are suboptimal, that consume lots of unnecessary resources and that hence slow down the database server. This post looks at why and how VIEWs can help against such suboptimal operations.

More on measuring IO latency

To follow on to my earlier links to Brendan Gregg’s blog posts on measuring I/O latency, there is a third one discussing DTrace, and then a very detailed response from Mark Leith showing how to do it with the PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA in MySQL 5.5.

Related posts:

  1. Disk latency versus filesystem latency
  2. Measuring the popularity of the Percona MySQL build
  3. Thoughts on the new …
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MySQL Multiple-Column Indexes: Order Matters

This will just be a short reminder. If you're planning to create multiple-column indexes in MySQL, remember that the order of the columns matters. As the MySQL documentation points out, any "leftmost prefix of the index can be used." This means that the index can be used for any number of columns in a where clause as long as those columns are at the beginning of the index column list and in the same order.

How To – Convert MSSQL Timestamp/Datetime to Unix Timestamp

Background Knowledge

I will explain how to convert a DATETIME (data type) value in Microsoft SQL Server to Unix timestamp and how to convert Unix timestamp to DATETIME. A Unix timestamp is a integer value of seconds since January 1, 1970 at midnight. For further explanation of Unix timestamps refer to Wikiepedia, or

Note: This solution only work on dates prior to 2038-01-19 at 3:14:08 AM, where the delta in seconds exceeds the limit of the INT data type (integer is used as the result of DATEDIFF). See source for further details as I have not verified a solution to this problem.


Convert Datetime Value to Unix Timestamp (today)

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What kind of High Availability do you need?

Henrik just wrote a good article on different ways of achieving high availability with MySQL. I was going to respond in the comments, but decided it is better not to post such a long comment there.

One of the questions I think is useful to ask is what kind of high availability is desired. It is quite possible for a group of several people to stand in a hallway and talk about high availability, all of them apparently discussing the same thing but really talking about very different things.

Henrik says “At MySQL/Sun we recommended against asynchronous replication as a HA solution so that was the end of it as far as MMM was concerned. Instead we recommended DRBD, shared disk or MySQL Cluster based solutions.” Notice that all of those are synchronous technologies (at least, the way MySQL recommended them to be configured), generally …

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