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Displaying posts with tag: conference (reset)
Launchpad improvements

Launchpad, the development framework created by Canonical, is under constant development.
If you have never used it, have a look at Jay's getting started and code management articles about it. If you know it already, you may be pleased to know that Launchpad has a …
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MySQL Camp, April 2009

Last week Giuseppe Maxia announced the Call for Papers for the 2009 MySQL Users Conference and Expo, and also announced that there would be an unconference, MySQL Camp, organized by me.

It’s true! Currently MySQL Camp is set to happen, though I am still working out details with Colin Charles and Giuseppe Maxia. We had originally talked about having MySQL Camp on Tuesday and Wednesday, but I would like to add Monday so that folks attending the conference who are not attending a tutorial have a choice on Monday. I am also looking into lunch options, since the conference venue does not have many options within walking distance.

There will be plenty of …

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How to get your proposal accepted to the MySQL Users Conference 2009

The call for papers for the MySQL Users Conference and Expo 2009 is open. Proposals are accepted until October 22, 2008.
This post will tell you how to get your proposal accepted.
First: READ the following posts. I mean it!
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MySQL Conference 2009, I need an idea

I had a sad time this year when I missed the MySQL conference, since I had much fun last year in Santa Clara. I can’t miss it next year.

As a MySQL partner, and after almost 2 years doing MySQL training, I sure have interesting things to tell in the conference, but I’m not sure about what.

I will be thinking about this in the next weeks, but I’d appreciate some help. What topics are you interested in?

Sheeri and the MySQL Camp
If you have attended the latest two MySQL Users Conference and Expo, you will know Sheeri. She was awarded for two years in a row community contributor of the year. And she is seriously determined to see someone else on stage next year. That's why she has been pushing other people toward the community scenes, paving the way for other contributors to surface.

But, you know, Sheeri is really good, and we have been trying to hire her, without much success. So we decided that since she is such a great catalyst, we should let her run part of the show. Embedded in the next MySQL Users Conference and Expo, there will be a MySQLCamp, of which she will be fully in charge.

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Innovation Everywhere - MySQL Users Conference and Expo 2009

The MySQL Users Conference and Expo 2009 has open its Call for Papers. The past edition had close to 2,000 participants, and the next one shouldn't be any poorer.

The theme for the next conference is Innovation Everywhere. After being a earthquake in the business world with the acquisition by Sun, MySQL continues its course towards innovation, by pursuing new users, new markets, new needs with continuous innovation.

A novelty, compared to past edition, is an embedded MySQLCamp within the conference. It will be an open space, driven and organized by the community, oriented to developers and advanced users.

More slides and pictures from DrupalCon and FrOSCon

I'm back home from DrupalCon 2008 now - it has been a great event! I met a lot of nice people from the Drupal Community and learned a lot about this CMS. I've been very busy in uploading the remaining pictures from the event to my gallery - so here's for your viewing pleasure:

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OpenSQL Camp Has a New Home

Though the event is still happening in Charlottesville, VA Nov. 14-16th (Fri night through Sunday), the new web page for OpenSQL Camp is The content has been ported over to MediaWiki, and a captcha has been put in place that is activated on any page change that adds an external URL.

Whether you are into MySQL, PostgreSQL, Drizzle, or some other open source SQL database, go forth and register for OpenSQL Camp, without having to login! (Disclosure: if you do not create a login, your IP is tracked.)

Pictures and slides from my DrupalCon 2008 talk

Hello and greetings from DrupalCon 2008 in Szeged, Hungary!

We (Thierry Manfé, Scott Mattoon and myself) are having a great time manning our booth and talking about Drupal, MySQL and Open Source@Sun with the nice crowd of Drupal Users and Developers here. Sun is a gold sponsor of the event and we're giving a number of sessions as well.

Today I gave my first presentation about MySQL Backup and Security - Best practices - unfortunately I ran a tad bit out of time at the end... The slides have already been attached to the session page, so you can read up on the last few things I was going to talk about. Feel free to contact me, if you have further questions!

Tomorrow I'll be talking about …

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Announcing OpenSQL Camp 2008

Along with some others, I have arranged a conference for open-source database users and developers.

Key facts:

It is of, by and for the community (you). At this event, all open-source databases are created equal. We’ll learn together and grow together. It’s a combination conference and hackathon. It’s free. It is Friday night Nov 14, 18:00 through Sun the 16th [...]

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