We had a great turnout for the Scaling MySQL Meetup last night. Chris had a pleasant surprise as he brought in Kevin Knapp as a co-speaker. We wanted to record the event, but due to technical difficulties with Webex, we … Continue reading →
Elance Cites Surging Demand for MySQL Experts
is an interesting article for several reasons. For many years
advocating Open Source products was seen in many circles of
management as akin to promotion of some sort of social anarchy.
But now they see the cost savings, the performance gains, and the
flexibility that a product like MySQL can provide.
Check out the jobs Elance has for MySQL talent.
DFW MySQL Users!
Monday night at seven will be the next meeting of North Texas
MySQL Meetup. This meeting will not be MySQL-centric but will
discuss creating Facebooks apps and using the …
South Californians, mark your calendars! On February 24th at 7,30pm the Los Angeles Meetup Group will host Chris Schneider, Facebook DBA, who will talk about "Scaling MySQL".
Now, if I talk about scaling MySQL, I will refer to personal experience in my consulting career, when 10 million people connected all at once to my customer's web site. You may be interested in the story or simply yawn. But when a Facebook DBA talks to you about scaling, 10 million connection is low traffic, and scaling takes a completely different meaning.
In this meetup, Chris will talk about different methodologies used at Facebook to deal with their scaling issues. If you are near Los Angeles on February 24th, you don't want to miss this …
[Read more]We have an exciting meetup coming up on February 24th, 2009. Not too many companies need to deal with the scaling issues that Facebook does. Chris will be speaking about Scaling Mysql. Don’t miss it!
South Californians, mark your calendars! On February 24th at 7,30pm the Los Angeles Meetup Group will host Chris Schneider, Facebook DBA, who will talk about "Scaling MySQL".
Now, if I talk about scaling MySQL, I will refer to personal experience in my consulting career, when 10 million people connected all at once to my customer's web site. You may be interested in the story or simply yawn. But when a Facebook DBA talks to you about scaling, 10 million connection is low traffic, and scaling takes a completely different meaning.
In this meetup, Chris will talk about different methodologies used at Facebook to deal with their scaling issues. If you are near Los Angeles on February 24th, you don't want to miss this …
[Read more]
South Californians, mark your calendars! On February 24th at 7,30pm the Los Angeles Meetup Group will host Chris Schneider, Facebook DBA, who will talk about "Scaling MySQL".
Now, if I talk about scaling MySQL, I will refer to personal experience in my consulting career, when 10 million people connected all at once to my customer's web site. You may be interested in the story or simply yawn. But when a Facebook DBA talks to you about scaling, 10 million connection is low traffic, and scaling takes a completely different meaning.
In this meetup, Chris will talk about different methodologies used at Facebook to deal with their scaling issues. If you are near Los Angeles on February 24th, you don't want to miss this …
[Read more]
planet.grep.be today has a lot of active open
source users and contributors.
The weird thing is that we never meet apart from Fosdem.
Yes, we occasionally run into eachother at other events but
there's not enough beer involved.
I've had different people ask me what and where are the Open
Source gatherings in Belgium, and we must admit that apart
from Fosdem there isn't that much in our little country.
There were a couple of MySQL User Group events, some Drupal ones, some LUG had meetings altough I have the idea most of them have dried out :(
So I have this crazy idea of inviting you all to grab a beer, maybe even free beer :) on december 29 some in a pub in Antwerp
I`m open for suggestions on good locations.
Oh and everybody is welcome, both readers and writers :)
PS. Yes I know that some of you will be drinking in Berlin at …
[Read more]Notes of one week with MySQL community in US and France
I wanted to attend the first edition of the Open SQL Camp in
Charlottesville, from November 14 to 16. For some mysterious
reason, a four days plane ticket to any place in the US costs EUR
2,500, but if I stay 8 days, it costs EUR 800. Considering that I
was in Frankfurt until November 8, the most sensible thing to do
was flying to the US as early as possible and meet as many
communities as I could. Among the ones I asked, Boston and New
York answered enthusiastically, and then, serendipitously, I
found an unexpected group in Baltimore, just before the last leg
to Charlottesville.
I sent all groups a list of ten topics to choose from:
* MySQL 5.1 features
* Using MySQL partitions in practice
* testing with MySQL Sandbox
* MySQL Community How To
* Recent community additions to MySQL code
* Creative cross-language …
I will meet the MySQL community in Paris on November 18, 2008 at 19:30. I will speak about MySQL Proxy Wizardry, and discuss with the community about any subject that will come up. The place: 1 rue royale, 227 Bureaux de la Colline 92210 Saint-Cloud Bâtiment D 9ème étage Tel : 01 78 15 24 00 |
The Baltimore MySQL Meetup is scheduled for November 13th at 6pm The place: Lotame Solutions, Inc. 6085 Marshalee Drive Suite 210 Elkridge, MD 21075 |
We'll talk about MySQL Proxy, and anything else that looks
suitable, depending on the crowd's requests.
Thanks to Greg Haase for organizing.