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Displaying posts with tag: benchmark (reset)
Sample datasets for benchmarking and testing

Sometimes you just need some data to test and stress things. But randomly generated data is awful — it doesn’t have realistic distributions, and it isn’t easy to understand whether your results are meaningful and correct. Real or quasi-real data is best. Whether you’re looking for a couple of megabytes or many terabytes, the following sources of data might help you benchmark and test under more realistic conditions.

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Segmented key cache performance results for MariaDB 5.2.2-gamma

Recently I tested our new segmented key cache feature for MyISAM in MariaDB 5.2.2-gamma for performance gains. You can check our new features in MariaDB 5.2 in our Ask Monty Knowledge Base

You will also find the details about the segmented key cache feature in our Knowledge Base at:

We wrote a test in LUA for SysBench v0.5 called select_random_points.lua, to figure out the performance gain of splitting the key cache’s global mutex into several mutex under multi user load.

You can find all the details about the benchmark in our Knowledge Base article here:

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Database speed tests (mysql and postgresql) - part 3 - code

Here is the code structure

dbfuncs.php : is the file which contains classes and functions for firing queries on mysql and pgsql mysqlinsert.php : creates and fires inserts on mysql mysqlselect.php : creates and fires selects on mysql pgsqlinsert.php : creates and fires inserts on pgsql pgsqlselect.php : creates and fires selects on pgsql benchmark.php : script used to control concurrency and

Database speed tests (mysql and postgresql) - part 2

Here is the comparison between mysql and postgresql for selects (only). I had used the same table that i had created earlier while comparing insertion speed. I have created approximately 1,000,000 records in the table and ran selects on them. I also modified the configuration of both mysql and postgresql to enable faster

Database speed tests (mysql and postgresql) - part 1

There has been major changes in mysql and postgres over a couple of years. Mysql has been focusing on improving and optimizing innodb. Postgres on the other hand has been focusing on database replication and hot standby.

Recently postgres came out with version 9.0 which has built-in replication and hot standby - the two most requested feature in postgresql. Earlier people used to shy away from – configuring OpenBSD for MySQL benchmarking

Here are some quick commands for installing the proper packages and requirements for the MySQL dbbenchmark program.

export PKG_PATH=""
pkg_add -i -v wget
pkg_add -i -v python
Ambiguous: choose package for python
 a       0: 
         1: python-2.4.6p2
         2: python-2.5.4p3
         3: python-2.6.3p1
Your choice: 2

pkg_add -i -v py-mysql
pkg_add -i -v mysql
pkg_add -i -v mysql-server
ln -s /usr/local/bin/python2.5 /usr/bin/python
gzip -d dbbenchmark-version-0.1.beta_rev26.tar.gz
tar -xvf dbbenchmark-version-0.1.beta_rev26.tar
cd dbbenchmark-version-0.1.beta_rev26
./ --print-sql
 - login to mysql and execute sql commands
Determining I/O Throughput for a System

At Kscope this year, I attended a half day in-depth session entitled Data Warehousing Performance Best Practices, given by Maria Colgan of Oracle. In that session, there was a section on how to determine I/O throughput for a system, because in data warehousing I/O per second (iops) is less important than I/O throughput (how much actual data goes through, not just how many reads/writes).

The section contained an Oracle-specific in-database tool, and a standalone tool that can be used on many operating systems, regardless of whether or not a database exists:


DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CALIBRATE_IO (2, 10, iops, mbps, lat); …
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Intra-query parallelism for MySQL queries without an appliance or closed source database

*edit* I want to point out that this test was done on a single database server which used MySQL partitioning. This is a demonstration of how Shard-Query can improve performance in non-sharded databases too.*edit*.

Over the weekend I spent a lot of time improving my new Shard-Query tool ( and the improvements can equate to big performance gains on partitioned data sets versus executing the query directly on MySQL.

I'll explain this graph below, but lower is better (response time) and Shard-Query is the red line.

MySQL understands that queries which access data in only certain partitions don't have to read the rest of the table. This partition elimination works well, but MySQL left a big optimization out of partitioning: …

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The rotating blades database benchmark

(and before you ask, yes “rotating blades” comes from “become a fan”)

I’m forming the ideas here first and then we can go and implement it. Feedback is much appreciated.

Two tables.

Table one looks like this:

user_id BIGINT,
item_id BIGINT,
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, item_id),
INDEX (item_id)

That is, two columns, both 64bit integers. The primary key covers both columns (a user cannot be a fan of something more than once) and can be used to look up all things the user is a fan of. There is also an index over item_id so that you can find out which users are a fan of an item.

The second table looks like this:

CREATE TABLE fan_count (

Both tables start empty.

You will have 1000, 2000,4000 and 8000 concurrent clients attempting to run the …

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More Debate, More Flame, More Choosing the correct tool for the job

You have to love all the debating going on over NOSQL -vs- SQL don’t you? With my UC session on choosing the right data storage tools ( does this sound better then SQL-vs-NoSQL?) I have been trying to stay current with the mood of the community so i can make my talk more relevant. Today I was catching up on reading a few blogs posts and I thought I would pass along these two: Pro SQL and Pro NoSQL … these represent the two very different views on this subject. (Note I think there are misleading facts and figures in these that should be flushed out more, but they are a good sample of what I am talking about). …

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