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Displaying posts with tag: sql (reset)
Cloud systems vs. NoSQL email with tons of questions

I had an email after my webinar on NoSQL/SQL for Oracle Development Tools User Group last week ( from an attendee that was chock full of some questions. I decided to answer them to clarify with this fellow NoSQL and Cloud Systems. I'm pretty happy with my answers. I'd be glad for any thoughts from people about my replies.

Here are my responses (the fellow's name is also Patrick):


You are welcome! Thank you for attending. I put that together a bit hasty but thought it was a good topic to be covering as there are so many organizations that are considering such an architecture.

Patrick Francois wrote:
> Hi,
> Thank you for the NoSQL Webinar!
> Not an easy theme. ..kind of "wide open".
> I have recently also tried getting more …

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Beware of svctm in Linux’s iostat

I’ve been studying the source of iostat again and trying to understand whether all of its calculations I explained here are valid and correct. Two of the columns did not seem consistent to me. The await and svctm columns are supposed to measure the average time from beginning to end of requests including device queueing, and actual time to service the request on the device, respectively. But there’s really no instrumentation to support that distinction. The device statistics you can get from the kernel do not provide timing information about device queueing, only a) begin-to-end timing of completed requests and b) the time accumulated by requests that haven’t yet completed. I concluded that the await is correct, but the svctm cannot be.

I just looked at the …

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Why MySQL replication is better than mysqlbinlog for recovery

You have a backup, and you have the binary logs between that backup and now. You need to do point-in-time recovery (PITR) for some reason. What do you do? The traditional answer is “restore the backup and then use mysqlbinlog to apply the binary logs.” But there’s a much better way to do it.

The better way is to set up a server instance with no data, and load the binary logs into it. I call this a “binlog server.” Then restore your backup and start the server as a replication slave of the binlog server. Let the roll-forward of the binlogs happen through replication, not through the mysqlbinlog tool.

Why is this better? Because replication is a more tested way of applying binary logs to a server. The results are much more likely to be correct, in my opinion. Plus, replication is easier and more convenient to use. You can do nice things like START SLAVE UNTIL, skip statements, stop and restart without having to figure out …

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What are your favorite MySQL bug reports?

Bug reports can be fun. They can also be terrible. Either way they can be entertaining. On the Drizzle IRC channel today I saw a couple references to MySQL bug reports: it is stop working and Does not make toast (which reminds me of the Mozilla bug report about the kitchen sink). Got any other favourites1?

1 This one’s for Jay.

Related posts:

  1. What are your favorite MySQL replication filtering rules?
  2. My new favorite comic: The Adventures of …
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Free webinar on MySQL performance this Thursday

ODTUG invited me to give a webinar and I said yes, so this Thursday you’re invited to join me as I talk about MySQL performance. We’ve come a very long way towards a MySQL that can perform well on modern hardware, and there really isn’t broad recognition of this. A lot of the best work has gone into the InnoDB “plugin” storage engine, which was announced after my co-authors and I sent High Performance MySQL to the press. I will explain what you should be doing differently now than you did two years ago, and suggest a performance-in-a-nutshell configuration baseline for MySQL that’s quite different from what I’d have said in 2008. You can register for free through GoToWebinar. See you there.

Related posts:

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Oracle is improving MySQL

I’ve noticed that a steady and perhaps even growing number of bug reports and feature requests are getting resolved for the next milestone release. I continue to see signs that Oracle’s next release of MySQL will not only include much of the unreleased good work that’s been done over the last few years, but will add a lot of new features and fixes as well.

Related posts:

  1. MySQL Enterprise/Community split could be renewed under Oracle
  2. 50 things to know before migrating Oracle to MySQL
  3. Migrating US …
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Speaking at NovaRUG on Thursday

I’ll be joining the NovaRUG (Northern Virginia Ruby Users’ Group) on Thursday to talk about MySQL performance. See their blog for the details and how to RSVP.

Related posts:

  1. Free webinar on MySQL performance this Thursday
  2. Speaking at MySQL Meetup in Northern Virginia
  3. Speaking at EdUI Conference 2009
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MySQL: Query caused different errors on master and slave

We ran across the following error on a MySQL slave server recent: mysql> SHOW SLAVE STATUS \G <snip> Last_Error: Query caused different errors on master and slave. Error on master: 'Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction' (1213), Error on slave: 'no error' (0). Default database: '<database_name>'. Query: '<query>' <snip> In this […]

Two subtle bugs in OUTER JOIN queries

OUTER JOIN queries in SQL are susceptible to two very subtle bugs that I’ve observed a number of times in the real world. Daniel and I have been hammering out ways to automatically detect queries that suffer from these bugs, in a relatively new Maatkit tool called mk-query-advisor. It’s part of our series of advisor tools for MySQL. I wrote a blog post about it a while ago. Automated analysis of bad query patterns is a good thing to write tools to do, because catching buggy queries is hard work if you do it manually.

Let’s dive right in and analyze these subtle bugs. Warning: if you don’t understand how SQL handles NULL, you’re not going to understand the following. Many people have a hard time with NULL, which is why these bugs are so hard to …

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Using MySQL Workbench to manage your Joomla component’s db schema

MySQL Workbench is a great tool for developers to map out and visualise databases. What many people know is that it’s also a great way to make upgrading and writing upgrade scripts for your components really painless too.

Let’s say you created a small component that became popular over night. Tens of thousands of downloads from on the Joomla Extensions Directory. So you get inspired and put some more work into improving and bugfixing this component even more, and while doing that you change and add on to the database schema.

Now you need to create and distribute an update script with the next version of your component, and MySQL Workbench makes creating this update script really easy. Here is what you need to do:

Install MySQL Workbench

I’ll not help you with this. Just go to the MySQL Workbench homepage and follow the instructions from there. …

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