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Displaying posts with tag: sql (reset)
Speaking at MySQL Meetup in Northern Virginia

The closest thing I know of to a “Northern Virginia MySQL Meetup” is the Sterling Database Data Solutions Group. I got in touch with the organizer and we scheduled a meeting next Wednesday July 28th. I’ll be presenting, and so will someone from Fusion-IO, a solid-state storage vendor. This is on short notice, so tell your friends about it! It would be great to grow a strong monthly meetup presence in this area.

Here’s the abstract I sent: “This talk covers best practices to help you get the most out of MySQL performance. It assumes you know a database well, though it need not be MySQL. We’ll cover several angles of the topic. Configuration is usually the first thing people ask about. Although it’s possible to misconfigure MySQL and get …

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Speaking at Surge 2010

OmniTI’s Surge conference is looking really good — and I’m going to be speaking there. The CfP just closed, so the list of speakers is still growing, but it already includes impressive names such as Neil J. Gunther. So far, this speaker list has zero fluff, and reminds me of the Percona Performance Conference. I’ll be talking about how not to shard your systems. Sharding is no fun and it’s costly. If you don’t have to do it — and many applications don’t need to, with orders-of-magnitude performance improvements in MySQL — you should not.

Related posts:

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Two Random Asterisk-Related SQL Queries

I hate losing useful SQL queries, so I tend to save them. Ever so often, I stumble across a file of queries from some work I was doing months ago. The following two queries are just such a case. I was analyzing some call data for a call center that uses Asterisk. I set up a temporary database for this, so I can't even run them again. Still, it's nice to save them away for a rainy day.

Call Center Call Volume by Day of Week and Hour

SET @tz = 'EST5EDT';
  DAYNAME(CONVERT_TZ(start, 'GMT', @tz)) AS "Weekday",
  HOUR(CONVERT_TZ(start, 'GMT', @tz)) AS "Hour",
  AVG(duration), AVG(billsec) 
  FROM cdr 
    WHERE dcontext IN ('Queue1', 'Queue2', 'Queue3', 'Queue4')
      AND duration > 60
    GROUP BY Weekday, Hour
    ORDER BY WEEKDAY(CONVERT_TZ(start, 'GMT', @tz)), Hour 

I was trying to figure out …

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Aspersa’s mysql-summary tool

For those of you who miss what Maatkit’s mk-audit tool (now retired) gave you, there’s a pair of tools in Aspersa that more than replaces it. I wrote previously about the summary tool. I don’t think I have mentioned the mysql-summary tool. It has been under development for a while, and at this point it has quite a lot of functionality. You can see a sample of the output on its wiki page.

Related posts:

  1. Apsersa’s summary tool supports Adaptec and MegaRAID …
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A review of Guerrilla Capacity Planning by Neil Gunther

Guerrilla Capacity Planning

Guerrilla Capacity Planning. By Neil J. Gunther, Springer 2007. Page count: about 200 pages, plus appendixes. (Here’s a link to the publisher’s site.)

Of all the books I’ve reviewed, this one has taken me the longest to study first. That’s because there is a lot of math involved, and Neil Gunther knows a lot more about it than I do. Here’s the short version: I’m learning how to use this in the real world, but that’s going to take many months, probably years. I’ve already spent about 10 months studying this book, and …

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A review of Cloud Application Architectures by George Reese

Cloud Application Architectures

Cloud Application Architectures. By George Reese, O’Reilly 2009. (Here’s a link to the publisher’s site).

This is a great book on how to build apps in the cloud! I was happy to see how much depth it went into. It’s short — 150 pages plus some appendixes — so I was expecting it to be a superficial overview. But it isn’t. It is thorough. And it is also obviously built on his own experience building very specific applications that he uses to run his business — he isn’t preaching about stuff he doesn’t know first-hand. Finally, George Reese is a good writer! It’s impressive. This is how he covers so much ground with so much depth in so few pages, …

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A review of Web Operations by John Allspaw and Jesse Robbins

Web Operations

Web Operations. By John Allspaw and Jesse Robbins, O’Reilly 2010, with a chapter by myself. (Here’s a link to the publisher’s site).

I wrote a chapter for this book, and it’s now on shelves in bookstores near you. I got my dead-tree copy today and read everyone else’s contributions to it. It’s a good book. A group effort such as this one is necessarily going to have some differences in style and even overlapping content, but overall it works very well. It includes chapters from some really smart people, some of whom I was not previously familiar with. John and Jesse obviously have good connections. A …

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A life among databases...

A long time ago, in the early 1980's, I decided to change jobs. I was a young guy, with no real experience of commercial software or anything like that, rather I was a self-taught sysadmin for an ancient UNix system. The company I worked for was in the Telco business, so I looked for another job where I could develop myself and at the same to use my telco knowledge.

I found a Telco startup, privately held. I must say that the fact that it was privately held meant nothing to me at the time. Nothing. They were building a system, the servers were VAXes running VMS, and again a became a sysadmin.

Having been sysadmin at this company for a while, building up the central datacenter (to be honest, in todays words, that was what I was doing, but at the time, I had no real clue. I was mosr enthusiastic and ready to take on any task than I was smart or intelligent or knew what I was doing, really). But I wanted to develop myself, …

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The new hotness in open-core: InnoDB

There’s lots of buzz lately about the so-called “open-core” business model of Marten Mickos’s new employer. But this is nothing new. Depending on how you define it, InnoDB is “open-core,” and has been for a long time. The InnoDB Hot Backup (ibbackup) tool was always closed-source. Did anyone ever cry foul and claim that this made InnoDB itself not open-source, or accuse Innobase / Oracle of masquerading as open-source? I don’t recall that happening, although sometimes people got suspicious about the interplay between the backup tool and the storage engine. Generally, though, the people I know who use InnoDB Hot Backup have no gripes about paying for it.

What is the difference between open-source with closed-source accessories, and …

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Is Maatkit notable enough for Wikipedia now?

The Maatkit article on Wikipedia was removed some time ago, after being deemed not notable. I believe this is no longer the case. It’s hard to find a credible book published on MySQL in the last few years that doesn’t mention Maatkit, there’s quite a bit of blogging about it from MySQL experts and prominent community members, and the toolkit is certainly in wide use — it’s important enough that notable companies are supporting its development. It’s available through every major Unix-like operating system’s package repository. On Debian, it’s actually part of the mysql-client package, so if you install MySQL, you automatically get Maatkit too. I believe it’s probably the second most important set of MySQL command-line tools; the most …

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