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Displaying posts with tag: sql (reset)
There’s a European OpenSQL Camp coming up

In addition to the Boston edition, there’s an OpenSQL Camp at the same time and place as FrOSCon mid-August in Germany. The call for papers is open until July 11th. As always, the conference is about all kinds of open-source databases: MySQL and PostgreSQL are only two of the obvious ones; MongoDB and Cassandra featured prominently at the last one I attended, and SQLite was well represented at the first one.

Related posts:

  1. OpenSQL Camp Boston 2010
  2. OpenSQL Camp events in 2009
  3. Recap of Portland OpenSQL Camp 2009
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MySQL’s SQL Deviations and Extensions

Today at Kaleidoscope I will be doing a 90-minute session comparing MySQL’s SQL syntax to the ANSI/ISO SQL:2003 standard, entitled What Do You Mean, “SQL Syntax Error”?

You can download the PDF slides now.

For those that may be following along the presentation later today (4 pm Eastern time), here are some links that I may throw out during the session:

  • SQL 2003 standard – actually it is “Information taken from the Final Committee Draft (FCD) of ISO/IEC 9075-2:2003″ but it’s extremely close to the actual standard. The actual standard is a document that costs a non-trivial amount of money to get, and cannot be republished.
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OpenSQL Camp Boston 2010

Sheeri and others are organizing another incarnation of OpenSQL Camp in October in Boston. You ought to go! It’s relevant to MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and lots of the newer generation of databases — MongoDB, Cassandra, and so on.

Related posts:

  1. There’s a European OpenSQL Camp coming up
  2. Going to OpenSQL Camp US 2009
  3. OpenSQL Camp events in 2009
  4. The history of OpenSQL Camp
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Running MySQL Cluster as a Service on Windows

The MySQL Cluster daemon for MySQL Cluster (ndbd and ndb_mgmd) doesn't by themselves yet let them run as a service (apparently ndb_mgmd does, but I haven't seen it documented anywhere on how to do that). But there are ways to fix this, using some simple Windows tools and some registry hacking.

What you need to find is the Windows Resource Kit from some version of Windows that includes instsrv.exe and srvany.exe. It is not too picky with the actual version of Windows you run it seems, I used the Windows NT 32-bit versions of these on a 64-bit Windows 7 box, and it works just fine.

These two programs are simple and are easy to use:

  • instsrv allows you to install a service, it's real simple, just run the program and it will show the options (and these are few).
  • srvany allows you to run any odd program, that is not intended run as a service, do do this anyway.

Now, Google a …

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The little-known Maatkit man page

The Maatkit toolkit for MySQL has a lot of functionality that’s common across the tools. It’s not a good idea to document this in each tool’s man page, of course. So there is an overall maatkit man page. It explains concepts such as configuration file syntax. This and all the other Maatkit man pages are online.

Related posts:

  1. How PostgreSQL protects against partial page writes and data corruption
  2. Writing a book about Maatkit
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The “Shadow Table” trick.

The need: Often there is a requirement where data in a particular table has to be processed, and the data processing might be slow, while the table might be a one that is used by your application extensively. For example, a logging table that logs page hits. Or there might be an archiving operation that has to be performed on a particular table. Archiving / processing / aggregating records, all these operations are slow and can really blog down a website, combine that with the added overhead if the table that needs to have these operations performed is one that...

Performance tuning using vertical partitioning.

Does having small data-sets really help? Of course it does! Are memory lookups faster that disk lookups. Of course ! So many times I have seen people complain about queries taking too long now, while they were not taking that long earlier. There is one big reason for this, earlier the size of data-set was small so it could fit into memory. Now that the data-set has grown large enough that it cannot fit entirely into memory, the disk seeks really have slowed down the queries significantly. What to do now? Vertical partitioning. Divide the data-set into separate data-sets vertically....

Postmodern databases

Dr. Richard Hipp gave a talk at Southeast Linux Fest today on choosing an open-source database. He thinks that NoSQL is not a very good name for the new databases we’re seeing these days, so he proposed a new name: postmodern databases. Why postmodern?

  • The absence of objective truth
  • Queries return opinions, not facts

I thought this was the best proposal I’ve heard for an alternative to the NoSQL moniker. And this is not bashing — the absence of objective truth can actually be an enabling quality, not necessarily a drawback. There’s a lot to compliment about the new databases, and calling them NoSQL is really a disservice — like calling a car a horseless carriage.

Related posts:

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Southeast Linux Fest is around the corner

If you’re near South Carolina next weekend, consider attending Southeast Linux Fest! There’s a list of illustrious speakers including several well-known in the database world: Joshua Drake and Andrew Dunstan (PostgreSQL), D. Richard Hipp (SQLite), and yes, yours truly (MySQL), plus a MySQL name that’s new to me: Brandon Checketts. There are a ton of non-database sessions too! Check out the full speaker & session list. This was a great show last year; I highly encourage everyone to attend.

Related posts:

  1. Recap of Southeast Linux Fest 2009
  2. How Linux iostat …
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New CREATE TABLE performance record!

4 min 20 sec

So next time somebody complains about NDB taking a long time in CREATE TABLE, you’re welcome to point them to this :)

  • A single CREATE TABLE statement
  • It had ONE column
  • It was an ENUM column.
  • With 70,000 possible values.
  • It was 605kb of SQL.
  • It ran on Drizzle

This was to test if you could create an ENUM column with greater than 216 possible values (you’re not supposed to be able to) – bug 589031 has been filed.

How does it compare to MySQL? Well… there are other problems (Bug 54194 – ENUM limit of 65535 elements isn’t true filed). Since we don’t have any limitations in Drizzle due to the FRM file …

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