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Displaying posts with tag: Linux (reset)
Kontrollbase – revision 297 fixes Reporter-CLI “alert_22″ sub-routine

Quick note to let our users know that there was an XML tag closure error on the “alert_22″ subroutine in the “bin/” script. This does not affect the webapp portion of Kontrollbase – only reports generated via the command line reporter script. It is not a fatal error but will cause the XML file to […]

451 CAOS Links 2010.04.09

Perspectives on the IBM patent hoo-ha. Karmasphere lands funding. And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

# IBM denied breaking its open source patent promise, claimed TurboHercules a member of organizations founded and funded by Microsoft, other competitors. Perspectives on the IBM patent hoo-ha: Florian Mueller, Simon Phipps, Matt Asay, Jim Zemlin, Eric Raymond.

# Oracle will …

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Let he who is without proprietary features cast the first stone

If the recent debate about open core licensing has proven one thing, it is that the issue of combining proprietary and open source code continues to be a controversial one.

It ought to be simple: either the software meets the Open Source Definition or it does not. But it is not always easy to tell what license is being used, and in the case of software being delivered as a service, does it matter anyway?

The ability to deliver software as a hosted service enables some companies that are claimed to be 100% open source to offer customers software for which the source code is not available. Coincidentally, James Dixon has this week highlighted one …

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Cloud monitoring keeps open source in cool crowd

One of the first special reports I wrote for 451 Group was an analysis of the open source systems management vendors on the scene — GroundWork, Hyperic, Zenoss, OpenNMS Group, Nagios Enterprises and some others. These named ones are those that made it and while there was some reckoning in the market and there have been changes, it is interesting to see these players still plugging away, pushing into new markets and powering open source for systems, network and application monitoring and management, including cloud computing environments.

When acquired by SpringSource a year ago, there was some question as to the real value of open source systems monitoring and management company Hyperic, which had taken the …

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Allow Your Applications To Access The XAMPP MySQL Server Directly

Allow Your Applications To Access The XAMPP MySQL Server Directly

If you want to have a full featured "LAMP" server with one step you can use "XAMPP", it's easy and fast but you can't access its MySQL database server using the regular "mysql" client (/usr/bin/mysql), you have to use its own client (/opt/lampp/bin/mysql) to do that.

MySQL Workbench 5.2.17 Beta 7 Available

We are proud to announce Beta 7 (5.2.17).
As you will see, for Beta 7 we focused on UI and usability.

This Beta includes:

  • Fixes for 69 bugs.
    • P1 -4, P2 – 21 , P3 – 41 and P4 – 3.
  • New Windows UI components
  • New “look” for windows version
  • Modern style tab-controls
  • New UI, toolbars and sidebar-placements
  • Easier to use
  • Improved look and feel
  • Distinct User Snippets
  • Pre-Loaded DML and DDL Snippet Libraries
  • SQL Editor
    • All DDL Statements for changes are available.
    • Results menu bar
  • In Output
    • added Details Pane for Action and Message

And there’s more, so check it out and see for yourself.

For more on these new features check out …

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Kontrollkit – new backup script is partition space aware

I’ve been wanting to write a backup script for a while now that does the following: reads the partition information for the directory that you are backing up into and computes the used/available/percentage-available space. Then it reads the total data size from the MySQL tables and ensures that you have enough space on disk (for [...]

Upcoming speaking engagements: Grazer Linuxtage and amoocon

As I already wrote, I will be speaking at the MySQL Conference & Expo in Santa Clara in two weeks and I am excited to be there again. This year's conference is going to be interesting for a number of reasons, but most importantly I think that the schedule looks great! This is going to be a "drinking from the firehose of MySQL knowledge" event. Afterwards, I'll be on parental leave in May and June, so I likely will miss a lot of great conferences – these months are usually quite packed, as our Open Source Events Calendar can confirm. I just received a notice that my talk submission …

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More Debate, More Flame, More Choosing the correct tool for the job

You have to love all the debating going on over NOSQL -vs- SQL don’t you? With my UC session on choosing the right data storage tools ( does this sound better then SQL-vs-NoSQL?) I have been trying to stay current with the mood of the community so i can make my talk more relevant. Today I was catching up on reading a few blogs posts and I thought I would pass along these two: Pro SQL and Pro NoSQL … these represent the two very different views on this subject. (Note I think there are misleading facts and figures in these that should be flushed out more, but they are a good sample of what I am talking about). …

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New Benchmark I am working on that tests MYSQL -vs- NOSQL

I am giving a talk in a couple of weeks at the 2010 MySQL User Conference that will touch on use cases for NOSQL tools -vs- More relational tools, the talk is entitled “Choosing the Right Tools for the Job, SQL or NOSQL”. While this talk is NOT supposed to be a deep dive into the good, bad, and ugly of these solutions, rather a way to discuss potential use cases for various solutions and where they may make a lot of sense, being me I still felt a need to at least do some minor benchmarking of these solutions. The series of posts I wrote last year over on comparing Tokyo Tyrant to both MySQL and Memcached was fairly popular. In fact the initial set of benchmark scripts I used for that series actually has been put to good use since then testing out …

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