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Displaying posts with tag: Wordpress (reset)
Liveblogging at Confoo: [not just] PHP Performance by Rasmus Lerdorf

Most of this stuff is not PHP specific, and Python or Ruby or Java or .NET developers can use the tools in this talk.

The session on, with user comments/feedback, is at

Slides are at

“My name is Rasmus, I’ve been around for a long time. I’ve been doing this web stuff since 1992/1993.”

“Generally performance is not a PHP problem.” Webservers not config’d, no expire headers on images, no favicon.

Tools: Firefox/Firebug extension called YSlow (developed by yahoo) gives you a grade on your site.

Google has developed the …

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451 CAOS Links 2010.01.25

WordPress Foundation formed. Reaction to Oracle-Sun approval. And more.

WordPress Foundation formed
# Matt Mullenwag launched the WordPress Foundation.

Reaction to Oracle-Sun’s EC approval

# In a memo Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz encouraged the company’s employees to emotionally resign from Sun.

# EnterpriseDB and PostgreSQL co-founder Bruce Momjian issued a statement on the EC’s decision to approve Oracle-Sun.

# Mike Hogan …

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Follow-up To Loading CSS And JS Conditionally

First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who read and gave their 2 cents about the [WordPress Plugin Development] How To Include CSS and JavaScript Conditionally And Only When Needed By The Posts post. The article was well received and will hopefully spark some optimizations around loading styles and scripts.

Here are some discussions and mentions around the web:

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How To Fix Intermittent MySQL Errcode 13 Errors On Windows

The Problem

I've had MySQL on my Windows 7 laptop for a bit (as part of wampserver), mostly for local offline WordPress development.

However, even though MySQL is relatively stable, I've been observing a vast quantity of intermittent MySQL errors, as reported by WordPress in the PHP error log (C:\wamp\logs\php_error.log). Here are some examples:

[05-Jan-2010 09:47:51] WordPress database error Error on delete of
'C:\Windows\TEMP\#sql17e0_1a2_6.MYD' (Errcode: 13) for query SELECT t.*, tt.* 
FROM wp_terms AS t INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS tt ON tt.term_id = t.term_id 
INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = 
tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('category') AND tr.object_id IN (3) 
ORDER BY ASC made by require, require_once, include, get_footer, 
locate_template, load_template, require_once, dynamic_sidebar, 
call_user_func_array, …
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Four short links: 10 December 2009
  1. Scriblio -- open source CMS and catalogue built on WordPress, with faceted search and browse. (via titine on Delicious)
  2. Useful Temporal Functions and Queries -- SQL tricksies for those working with timeseries data. (via mbiddulph on Delicious)
  3. Optimal Starting Prices for Negotiations and Auctions --Mind Hacks discussion of a research paper on whether high or low initial prices lead to higher price outcomes in negotiations and online auctions. Many negotiation books recommend waiting for the other side to …
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451 CAOS Links 2009.07.31

When open source goes bad. Is open source a success or failure? And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

When open source goes bad

The H reported on the apparent turmoil at the CentOS project, while Jay Lyman offered the CAOS perspective. Meanwhile Slashdot reported that Alan Cox has quit as Linux TTY subsystem maintainer.

Success or failure?
Danny Windham, Digium CEO, …

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RethinkDB all the rage today

RethinkDB is all the rage today, as its a Y Combinator funded startup, which also launched a developer pre-alpha today. So what is RethinkDB you ask? Yet-another-MySQL-storage-engine, that’s what. But this time, its tuned for solid-state drives (SSDs), which also happen to be all the rage these days.

Anyway, check them out more, and the materials currently tell me that they’re using append-only algorithms, which allow for live schema changes and hot backups, with instantaneous recovery from power failure. Those are just some of the exciting bits.

What didn’t excite me so much was the fact that you were only getting 32-bit or 64-bit Linux binaries, built against MySQL 5.1.31 and you’ll just install it via the INSTALL …

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Securing Wordpress

A couple of  weeks ago I got an unhappy email from my web hosting provider telling me I was in violation of their Terms of Service. Of course I called them immediately and was told that there was a “phishing page” hidden in one of my web directories. My blog had been hacked, so I immediately started doing some house cleaning.

After the initial once over and deletion of any suspicious files I went looking for advice on how to “harden my installation”. Here’s what I found:

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Cleaning up Wordpress comment tables

In Montreal with Dups and Kaj, we were looking at a number of technical problems, and each one of you got something valuable from the meeting.
One of Kaj's problems was a collection of Wordpress blogs infested by spam. Kaj has done something already but the situation was critical. Before applying Akismet to his comments, he needed to cleanup the majority of the spam in same easy way.

It is not rocket …

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SELECTing SELECT statements for Wordpress MU blogging statistics

Sometimes I miss the coding I did last century. Today I was reminded of some of the fun, when I had set my mind to doing some statistics on my blogging.

In a blog entry on I describe what I did.

The blog entry may be of interest for those who use WordPress and are set back by the huge amounts of tables it generates. I happen to host 18 blogs and with each blog requiring 8 tables, that’s a total of 144 tables. Add the 9 top-level blogs and I’ve got 153 tables to navigate.

The blog entry I wrote 

  • identifies the key fields
  • shows how to …
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