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Displaying posts with tag: primary (reset)
Illustrating Primary Key models in InnoDB and their impact on disk usage

On a recent engagement I worked with a customer who makes extensive use of UUID() values for their Primary Key and stores it as char(36), and their row count on this example table has grown to over 1 billion rows.

The table is INSERT-only (no UPDATEs or DELETEs), and the bulk of their retrieval are PK lookups. Lookups by PK were performing acceptably, but they were concerned with the space usage by the table as we were approaching 1TB (running with innodb_file_per_table=1 and Percona Server 5.5).

This schema model presents an increasing burden for backups since they use Percona XtraBackup, and so the question was asked: does their choice of an effectively random Primary Key based on UUID() impact their on-disk storage, and to what extent? And as a neat trick I show towards the end of this post how you can calculate the …

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Mermaids have the same probability of fixing your permission problems, but people continue believing in the FLUSH PRIVILEGES myth.I see suggesting the usage of FLUSH PRIVILEGES every time someone writes a tutorial or a solution to a problem regarding creating a new account or providing different privileges. For example, the top post on /r/mysql as of the writing of these lines, “MySQL:The user specified as a definer does not exist (error 1449)-Solutions” has multiple guilty cases of this (Update: the user has corrected those lines after I posted this article).

It is not my intention to bash that post, but I have seen …

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MySQL shell prompt vs MongoDB shell prompt

Recently Todd Farmer shared an interesting story about the mysql command line prompt in MySQL 5.7: how it was changed to provide more context and why the change was finally reverted. This made me think that after using the command line client for MongoDB for awhile, I would love seeing a much more modern mysql shell prompt. Here are a few examples of what a modern command line client can do.

Add dynamic information to the prompt

If you use replication with MongoDB, you have probably noticed a nice feature of the prompt: it is replication aware. What I mean is that for a standalone instance, the prompt is simply:


When you configure this instance to be the primary of a replica set named RS, the prompt automatically becomes:


and for secondaries, you will see:

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Analyst for MySQL v1.1: Database Performance, Security, & Best Practices Auditing Tool Released – Download for FREE!

Itchy Ninja Software is pleased to announce the release of Analyst for MySQL v1.1. Revolutionize the way you work and administrate MySQL, MariaDB, Galera, and Percona XtraDB installations.

Make More Efficient Use of Your Time

Gathering all of the metrics to diagnose a database installation is a very time consuming process, and many simply do not have the experience to know where to begin. With Analyst for MySQL, you will be able to get your hands on hundreds of metrics within moments. It really takes all of the guesswork, as well as tedious long sessions of writing queries out of managing a MySQL database server.


Not only can you run the program on Windows, Mac, or Linux, you can also generate server reports from each of those platforms as well! No need to install anything on the server at any time. All diagnostics are run from your laptop or desktop machine. The …

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EXPLAIN minor wishlist

While we always want better performance and more and larger features for MySQL, those cannot just “magically appear” from one version to another, requiring deep architecture changes and lots of lines of code. However, there are sometimes smaller features and fixes that could be implemented by an intern or an external contributor, mainly at SQL layer, and that could make the MySQL ecosystem friendlier to newbies and non-experts. Making a piece of software easier to use is sometimes overlooked, but it is incredibly important -not everybody using MySQL is a DBA, and the more people adopting it, more people will be able to live from it, both upstream and as third party providers.

Here it is my own personal list of fixes for EXPLAIN messages. If you are an experienced MySQL user you are probably aware of their meaning, but that doesn’t solve the problem for beginners. The reason why I am writing a blog post is to gather …

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‘Woz on your mind?’ Share your questions for Steve Wozniak during his Percona Live keynote!

Here’s your chance to get on stage with Woz! Sort of. Apple co-founder and Silicon Valley icon and philanthropist Steve Wozniak will participate in a moderated Q&A on creativity and innovation April 14 during the Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo in Santa Clara, California.

Woz once said that he never intended to change the world. That was the other Steve, Steve Jobs.

“I didn’t want to start this company,” Woz told the Seattle Times of Apple’s beginnings in a 2006 interview. “My goal wasn’t to make a ton of money. It was to build good computers. I only started the company when I realized I could be an engineer forever.”

What would you ask Woz if given the opportunity?

“Woz, what first sparked your interest in engineering?”
“Hey Woz, how did you come up with …

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FoundationDB is acquired by Apple: My thoughts

TechCrunch reported yesterday that Apple has acquired FoundationDB. And while I didn’t see any mention if this news on the FoundationDB website, they do have an announcement saying: “We have made the decision to evolve our company mission and, as of today, we will no longer offer downloads.”

This is an unfortunate development – I have been watching FoundationDB technology for years and was always impressed in terms of its performance and features. I was particularly impressed by their demo at last year’s Percona Live MySQL and Expo. Using their Intel NUC-based Cluster, I remember Ori Herrnstadt showing me how FoundationDB handles single-node …

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How to Tell If It’s MySQL Swapping

On servers that are into the swap file and have multiple processes running, I often wonder if it’s MySQL that is in the swap or some other process.  With Linux this is a fairly easy thing to figure out.  Below is the format of a command to do just that:

echo 0 $(cat /proc/`pidof process`/smaps | grep TYPE | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's#^#+#') | bc


In the above command, TYPE refers to what type of Memory you want to examine.  Below are some of the options for this value:

TYPE Explanation
Private Private memory used by the process.  You may be able to determine memory leaks by looking at this value over time.
Pss Proportional Set Size.  This is the Rss adjusted for sharing.  For example, if a process has …
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Yelp IT! A talk with 3 Yelp MySQL DBAs on Percona Live & more

Founded in 2004 to help people find great local businesses, Yelp has some 135 million monthly unique visitors. With those traffic volumes Yelp’s 300+ engineers are constantly working to keep things moving smoothly – and when you move that fast you learn many things.

Fortunately for the global MySQL community, three Yelp DBAs will be sharing what they’ve learned at the annual Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo this April 13-16 in Santa Clara, California.

Say “hello” to Susanne Lehmann, Jenni Snyder and Josh Snyder! I chatted with them over email about their presentations, on how MySQL is used at Yelp, and about the shortage of women in MySQL.


Tom: Jenni, you and Josh will be co-presenting “ …

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Choosing a good sharding key in MongoDB (and MySQL)

MongoDB 3.0 was recently released. Instead of focusing on what’s new – that is so easy to find, let’s rather talk about something that has not changed a lot since the early MongoDB days. This topic is sharding and most specifically: how to choose a good sharding key. Note that most of the discussion will also apply to MySQL, so if you are more interested in sharding than in MongoDB, it could still be worth reading.

When do you want to shard?

In general sharding is recommended with MongoDB as soon as any of these conditions is met:

  • #1: A single server can no longer handle the write workload.
  • #2: The working set no longer fits in memory.
  • #3: The dataset is too large to easily fit in a single server.

Note that #1 and #2 are by far the most common reason why people need sharding. Also note that in the MySQL world, #2 does not imply that you need sharding.

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