We remember when we first started auditing MySQL servers, there
were very few tools available. In one of our early big
gigs, we were battling serious performance issues for a client.
At the time, tuning-primer.sh was about the only tool
available that could be used to diagnose performance bottlenecks.
Fortunately, with a lot of manual interpolation of the raw
data it presented, we were able to find the issue with the server
and suggest how to resolve them. For that we are very
thankful. It was a first step in analyzing MySQL status
variables, minimizing the number of formulas to learn and
calculate by hand. Obviously doing it by hand takes
Now fast-forward to today. Unfortunately, not much has changed. Many DBAs and developers are still using open source tools such as tuning-primer, mysqltuner.pl, mysqlreport, and so on. Don’t get the wrong; those tools have …
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