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Displaying posts with tag: Security Auditing (reset)
Advanced MySQL Server Auditing

We remember when we first started auditing MySQL servers, there were very few tools available.  In one of our early big gigs, we were battling serious performance issues for a client.  At the time, was about the only tool available that could be used to diagnose performance bottlenecks.  Fortunately, with a lot of manual interpolation of the raw data it presented, we were able to find the issue with the server and suggest how to resolve them.  For that we are very thankful.  It was a first step in analyzing MySQL status variables, minimizing the number of formulas to learn and calculate by hand.  Obviously doing it by hand takes forever!

Now fast-forward to today.  Unfortunately, not much has changed.  Many DBAs and developers are still using open source tools such as tuning-primer,, mysqlreport, and so on.  Don’t get the wrong; those tools have …

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Standardized MySQL Configuration File For Standalone, Replication, & Clustering

In order to simplify the configuration of MySQL for standalone nodes, clusters, and replication configurations, we decided it would be easiest to maintain a common my.cnf file.  We have to admit, the idea wasn’t ours; we picked the idea up from and thought it was such a great idea, we decided to implement it as well.

Below is our version of a standardized my.cnf implementing several of our best practices.  We hope it will be of benefit to you.

# my.cnf (Configuration file for MySQL)
# Provided by Itchy Ninja Software to implement general best practices for MySQL regardless of server 
# type.  We chose a single file instead of maintaining multiple versions of the configuration file.
# Based upon 
# Sections are included for Percona XTRADB Cluster …
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Analyst for MySQL v1.1: Database Performance, Security, & Best Practices Auditing Tool Released – Download for FREE!

Itchy Ninja Software is pleased to announce the release of Analyst for MySQL v1.1. Revolutionize the way you work and administrate MySQL, MariaDB, Galera, and Percona XtraDB installations.

Make More Efficient Use of Your Time

Gathering all of the metrics to diagnose a database installation is a very time consuming process, and many simply do not have the experience to know where to begin. With Analyst for MySQL, you will be able to get your hands on hundreds of metrics within moments. It really takes all of the guesswork, as well as tedious long sessions of writing queries out of managing a MySQL database server.


Not only can you run the program on Windows, Mac, or Linux, you can also generate server reports from each of those platforms as well! No need to install anything on the server at any time. All diagnostics are run from your laptop or desktop machine. The …

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