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Displaying posts with tag: Open Source (reset)
Does MySQL play a role in Sun's goodwill impairment?

Rudimentary analysis of Sun's SEC filings suggests that MySQL is not to blame, but investors won't know for sure unless Sun provides more information READ MORE

The economy and open source software

How will today's tough economy impact open source software contributions by third-party developers? READ MORE

Funambol keeps the community spirit alive

New Lion Sniper program makes it possible for anyone to become an open source contributor READ MORE

A needed "Reality Check" for entrepreneurs

Guy Kawasaki's latest book is a blueprint for tech entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs alike READ MORE

Microsoft and open source: Choosing wisely

Microsoft wisely chooses to sidestep the "either/or" discussion around open source READ MORE

Kettle workshop at KHM

Good news Kettle fans!

Our community is bound to become a bit larger as a whole group of students (38) at the Katholieke Hogeschool Mechelen (Batchelor level) will receive a one day workshop with Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle).  This workshop will take place in early November, most likely the 4th.

It’s interesting to see that during that day we’ll be able to go through most of the work involved in reading and staging the data, data cleansing and a few slowly changing dimensions with a fact table.  On top of that we’ll explain how to use Pentaho Data Integration in that setting.  When time permits we’ll show how to set up a metadata model on top of that data to create reports on it.  On top of that the students will get an idea about what exactly open source is all about.

Obviously, the …

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Why did sun really buy MySQL ?

To save Solaris from a certain death ?

Reading Planet MySQL the last couple of hours I'm trying really hard to convince myselve the Solaris offensive there is not orchestrated.. but I can't.
It might ofcourse be the fresh MySQL users that Sun brought in on their platform that started out blogging but hey .. I`m paranoia right :)

Are they really trying to get at least a fraction of the MySQL community on Solaris. Do they really think they can ? Yes they lost a zillion of Solaris customers that were running a proprietary database to MySQL on Linux users ,, but why would they want to move back to a semi proprietary setup ?

According to Linuxjournal Alan Cox seems to think that ZFS is the only thing that is keeping Solaris alive. I don't think DTrace was a bigg mass tool that would convince the crowds to suddenly move to an other operating system.

So is Sun trying to Lock In a community ? …

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Being smart in a down economy

Sequoia Capital offers insights on surviving the economic downturn. READ MORE

Let the customer choose where to buy lunch from !

Matt Asay is pushing his favorite Open Source model again. The model where the majority of developers of a project work for a company and that company is creating a business around the project. There's nothing wrong with that model, but he seems to forget the other models time over time :)

Matt is absolutely right with 2 of the 3 things he wants you to consider.
A SI in the middle of a $50 million dollar project involving Alfresco not talking to Alfresco is just wrong. An SI not offering a support contract is also just wrong. But an SI forcing his customer to buy the commercially supported version from a vendor ? Where's the customer choice ?

The customer should have the option to choose for a commercially supported version or the free version. And preferably that should be an educated option.

Matt seems to forget about situations where …

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Maturity of Open Source ETL / Why do people fail to do their homework?

I just read this post on Matt Casters' blog. Here, Matt describes why Element 61's Jan Claes is dead wrong in the way he assesses the maturity of open source ETL tools.

Well, I've just read Jan Claes' article in the "research and insights" area of the Element61 website, and frankly, it is pretty easy to see how unsubstantiated it is. Some may be tempted to classify the article as …

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