I haven’t been blogging much about the changes in MySQL for a
while. But the MySQL and InnoDB engineers have been doing a ton
of work over the last couple years, and now it’s seeing the light
of day, so it’s time to offer words of congratulations and
appreciation about that.
I was holding my breath for a big-splash 5.5 GA announcement at
last week’s conference, but I was wrong. Still, there’s a lot to talk about in 5.5, with a
dozen or more substantial blog posts from the InnoDB and MySQL
teams alone over the last week or so! Here are a few choice
tidbits of the good, the bad, and the ugly.
InnoDB is the default storage engine
“No big deal,” I thought. “Serious users do this anyway.” But
then Morgan Tocker pointed out that it really is a big deal. This
is going to cause a sea change in the way MySQL is …
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