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Displaying posts with tag: conference (reset)
Running GTID replication in production

On Percona Live! Amsterdam 2015 we had a talk with Peter Boros about GTID replication.

Here are the slides.

Running gtid replication in production from Balazs Pocze

Percona Live Europe 2015

Well, it was ended a week ago, but I had too many errands to run, so I couldn’t post anything about it.

It was really great, again.This was the third time I attended (2013 London, 2015 Santa Clara) so now I have met with a lot of familiar people – it is true that MySQL has a great community. The chosen city was great, Amsterdam is one of the coolest places of Europe, the hotel was neat, and the programs were also astounding.

The conference sessions were great too, I really enjoyed, them all, and because they are running on 8 thread parallel it is not that bad that there are some recurring sessions; if you missed one in spring you can watch it on autumn.

So, everything was comfy and neat. I hope I’ll attend on the next one too …

There were a few topics where I plan to dig deeper in the next weeks

  • ProxySQL because HAProxy is a good choice, but it is only speaks TCP and HTTP but not …
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Personal Summary of the Percona Live Amsterdam 2015 Conference

Last week, 21-23 September, it took place the European MySQL Conference, or “Data performance Conference” as this year’s subtitle was “MySQL. NoSQL. Data in the cloud.”. This year, it changed its location from London to Amsterdam and, as most people I talked to agreed, the change was for good. As every year, Percona was the company organizing it, but it had the participation of all the major players in the open source MySQL/MongoDB/Cloud data world. Special mention goes to, which had more …

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Percona Live Amsterdam - September 21-23, 2015

I am attending Percona Live Amsterdam 2015 on September 21-23, 2015.

I will be on stage three times:

My first talk is a topic that has ben among my favorites for long time: I published an article about it in 2001, and several …

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DevOpsCon 2015: Interview

Interview mit Lukas und mir auf der DevOpsCon 2015 in Berlin, kurz nach dem Talk über Private Cloud mit OpenSource.

FrOSCon 10: Private Cloud mit OpenSource

Auf der FrOSCon 10 in St. Augustin habe ich kürzlich ein Update zu unseren Erfahrungen mit dem Thema "Private Cloud mit OpenSource" gegeben. Leider sind noch nicht alle Probleme, über die letztes Jahr berichtet wurde, behoben, aber wir sind schon ein gutes Stück weiter und haben neue Stolperfallen gefunden und z. T. auch überwunden.

Leider habe ich mich mit der Zeit ein wenig getäuscht, da ich den Talk vorher schon einmal in gekürzter Form in 40 Minuten unterbringen musste, aber in der Präsentation den Countdown für die FrOSCon wieder auf 60 Minuten zu stellen vergessen hatte. Zwischenzeitlich war ich deswegen der Meinung, ziemlich hinterherzuhängen... Hoffe, es macht trotzdem ein bisschen Spaß, so blieb am Ende mehr Zeit für Fragen und Gespräche :)

Hier noch die Folien auf Slideshare:

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ConFoo Call for Papers is Open

ConFoo is once more seeking passionate speakers for the upcoming conference.

The event is happening in Montreal, Canada, between February 24th and 26th, 2016. It is an exciting conference for web developers with speakers from all over the world. It unites many web programming languages under one roof, as well as other topics related to web development. The call for papers closes on September 20th.

ConFoo renews 50% of its speakers each year. If you’re new to this conference, you should definitely submit.

If you would just like to attend, there is a discount until October 13th.

Community dinner @ Pedro’s

Folks, as usual Pythian is organizing the community dinner. After many years, food, (responsible) drinking and photos, this event has become an important moment for all of us, to know each other better, discuss and have fun.

This year is also the 20th year for MySQL so … YEAAAH let us celebrate, with more food, fun and responsible drinking.

If you had not done it yet … register yourself here:

Info about the event:

When: Tuesday April 14, 2015 – 7:00 PM at Pedro’s (You are welcome to show up later, too!)
Where: Pedro’s Restaurant and Cantina – 3935 Freedom Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054


I know, I know … we …

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Towards (and beyond) ONE MILLION queries per second

At Percona Live MySQL Conference 2015 next week I’ll be presenting on “Towards One MILLION queries per second” on 14th April at 4:50pm in Ballroom A.

This is the story of work I’ve been doing to get MySQL executing ONE MILLION SQL queries per second. It involves tales of MySQL, tales of the POWER8 Processor and a general amount of fun in extracting huge amounts of performance.

As I speak, I’m working on some even more impressive benchmark results! New hardware, new MySQL versions and really breaking news on MySQL scalability.

MySQL Character encoding – part 2

In MySQL Character encoding – part 1 we stated that the myriad of ways in which character encoding can be controlled can lead to many situations where your data may not be available as expected.

UTF8 was designed on a placemat in a New Jersey diner one night in September or so 1992.

Setting MySQL Client and Server Character encoding.

Lets restart MySQL with the correct setting for our purpose, UTF8. Here we can see the setting in the MySQL configuration file, in this case /etc/mysql/my.cnf.

character-set-server = utf8

This change is then reflected in the session and global variables once the instance is restarted with the new configuration parameter.

mysql> SELECT …
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