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Displaying posts with tag: "MySQL India" (reset)
MySQL User Camp @ Bangalore on 26th June

MySQL India team is back with another MySQL user camp.

The day of the week, time and venue remains the same:

Date: Jun 26th, 2015

Day : Friday

Time: 3-5:30 pm

Place: OC001, Block1, B wing, Kalyani Magnum Infotech Park, J.P Nagar, 7th Phase Bangalore, India

During our previous meetings we were requested by our attendees that they would like to hear about implementation of GTID by the MySQL community. We have listened to you and requested a community member to talk about their experience with the implementation of  GTID. Our first talk is :

  • MySQL Tools Usage in Rakuten and Overview of Replication GTIDs

There is also a lot of interest in our new delivery vehicles for MySQL packages. Using the new YUM repos you can stay up to date with the latest MySQL releases. You need not  wait for your distro to update MySQL in their release …

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Slides from the MySQL Session at Great Indian developer Summit 2015

Wanted to send a pointer to the slides from my session at #GIDS 2015.

Will followup with an impressions blog soon.

My sql5.7 whatsnew_presentedatgids2015 from Sanjay Manwani

Talking at Open Source India 2014

I will be talking at Open Source India scheduled at NIMHANS convention center at Bangalore on 7th and 8th of Nov 2014.

Oracle has been associated with the Open Source India conference for the past 4 years and this will be the 5th year when we will be taking part in this conference and talking about MySQL to the open source community.

OSI gives us a great opportunity and a platform to speak to and hear from the open source community. There have been some great interactions with developers, users, customers of MySQL and some really great people involved with the open source movement in India.

We look forward to interact with the open source community again. While we will likely learn much this conference about the progress of the open source community in India, we will also be informing you about the fantastic progress Oracle has made with MySQL in the past year. …

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Open Source India 2013

Oracle MySQL participated at the Open Source India at the NIMHANS convention center on 11-13 Nov 2013 (

This is the third year we participated and yours truly had the pleasure to deliver the keynote about MySQL. Was also invited to participate in a panel discussion on the importance of certification.

OSI has become the meeting place for all open source professionals at Bangalore. It was a pleasure to meet with old friends who are passionate about open source.

There were a number of interesting talks. Many open source companies had their booths at the exhibition center and all seemed to be buzzing with activity.

We were informally informed that there were about 800 attendees on Day 1.

We received many positive comments about the panel discussion on the importance of certification. The discussion concluded that …

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Hello World

So here goes …

While there are already some blog postings from me at Oracle’s MySQL Enterprise Backup (MEB) team blog at, this blog is for my personal views and views outside of MEB.

Why the name with 2c.
The first challenge before you think of blogging is to convice yourself that maybe your views will have some value for a reader. The second is to find a name of the blog. Its not that I am fully convinced of the former but there are some things that need to be written and since the need is mine the fulfillment of the need should also come from me.

The name is to ensure to keep my words humble and respect views which may differ from mine; maybe conflicting and still right. Different people have differing views and this blog is just one view as seen by me for now.

The tagline …

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