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Displaying posts with tag: "MySQL Enterprise Backup" (reset)
Hello World

So here goes …

While there are already some blog postings from me at Oracle’s MySQL Enterprise Backup (MEB) team blog at, this blog is for my personal views and views outside of MEB.

Why the name with 2c.
The first challenge before you think of blogging is to convice yourself that maybe your views will have some value for a reader. The second is to find a name of the blog. Its not that I am fully convinced of the former but there are some things that need to be written and since the need is mine the fulfillment of the need should also come from me.

The name is to ensure to keep my words humble and respect views which may differ from mine; maybe conflicting and still right. Different people have differing views and this blog is just one view as seen by me for now.

The tagline …

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