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Displaying posts with tag: Download MariaDB 5.5.36 (reset)
MariaDB 5.5.36 Overview and Highlights

MariaDB 5.5.36 was recently released (it is the latest MariaDB 5.5), and is available for download here:

This is a maintenance release, and so there are not too many big changes of note, just a number of normal bug fixes. However, there are a couple items worth mentioning:

  1. Includes all bugfixes and updates from: MySQL 5.5.36
  2. TokuDB is now included in RPM packages for CentOS 6 on x86-64

Note this release did not contain the bugfixes from XtraDB 5.5.36 yet. There is one bug fix in XtraDB 5.5.36 that is fairly serious, so if you are a *heavy* XtraDB+ user, I might wait for MariaDB 5.5.37 to be released, so you get this fix. I should note the bug was partially fixed in 5.5.35, and I did …

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