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Displaying posts with tag: dshbak (reset)
Setting up authentication en masse

Managing many hosts is quite challenging task. There are many tools to solve the problem. My favorite is pdsh.

Running a command across a set of hosts is as simple as following:

# pdsh -w 192.168.177.[201-208] -R ssh reboot

Together with dshbak (which is a part of pdsh package) you can do even cooler things. Like, check which systems have yum:

# pdsh -w 192.168.177.[201-208] -R ssh "which yum" | dshbak -c

Or which systems run older version of MySQL

# pdsh -w 192.168.177.[201-208] -R ssh "mysql -e \"SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'version'\""  | dshbak -c
Variable_name   Value
version 5.6.19
Variable_name   Value
version 5.5.38

To make pdsh …

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