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Displaying posts with tag: expect (reset)
MySQL mysql_config_editor & expect

This is just a note to help out anyone that might want to use the mysql_config_editor command in their automation tools. 

the mysql_config_editor does not take a password argument so automation tools that might have before set your password in the .my.cnf file trying to use mysql_config_editor fails. 

It is possible and quite simple though with the expect tool. 

 yum -y install expect  

it works for apt-get also. 

So in this example, I will show a simple bash script version. 

1st.. my login path does not work... 

mysql --login-path=local

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user

Set this with expect 

You would execute this via your bash script.  

expect <<EOD

spawn mysql_config_editor set --login-path=local …

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Setting up authentication en masse

Managing many hosts is quite challenging task. There are many tools to solve the problem. My favorite is pdsh.

Running a command across a set of hosts is as simple as following:

# pdsh -w 192.168.177.[201-208] -R ssh reboot

Together with dshbak (which is a part of pdsh package) you can do even cooler things. Like, check which systems have yum:

# pdsh -w 192.168.177.[201-208] -R ssh "which yum" | dshbak -c

Or which systems run older version of MySQL

# pdsh -w 192.168.177.[201-208] -R ssh "mysql -e \"SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'version'\""  | dshbak -c
Variable_name   Value
version 5.6.19
Variable_name   Value
version 5.5.38

To make pdsh …

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Automating MySQL access with expect and bash scripting

If you have multiple database servers with strange names, or if you have to hop over multiple machines to connect to any mysql database server, then you know what a pain it can be to administer such a setup. Thanks to some scripting, you can automate such tasks as follows:

Create an expect script:

#!/usr/bin/expect -f
#script by darren cassar

set machine [lindex $argv 0]

set timeout -1

spawn ssh username@$machine
match_max 100000
expect -exact “assword: “
send — “password\r”
send — “sudo -k; sudo su – mysql\r”
expect -exact “sudo -k; sudo su – mysql”
expect -exact “assword:”
send — “password\r”

# you should change the word password in ‘send — “password\r”‘ to your login password
# if you have the same password for each …

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