Checksum is a standard practice among DBAs to verify the data consistency across replicated nodes. In this post we’re going to review the syncing options for an inconsistent MySQL slave of Galera cluster node.
Here we’re assuming a setup of regular replication to a MySQL
instance from one of the Galera cluster nodes.
In the usual MySQL replication setup, standard practice involves
the usage of the pt-table-checksum tool to identify the
discrepancies and usage of pt-table-sync to bring them in
sync. The checksum tool, pt-table-checksum, can run across
Galera cluster node to verify the data consistency and confirm if
the MySQL slave is consistent with a chosen primary node.
What happens if this Galera cluster’s regular MySQL slave sees
data inconsistency on it? Will pt-table-sync work there? The
answer to this depends…
pt-table-sync when used with –sync-to-master …