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Displaying posts with tag: start (reset)
Adding pre/post hooks into MySQL init scripts

On several occasions it may be necessary to do some tasks around the process of starting or stopping a MySQL server such as:

  • Perform a warmup of the database using custom scripts and external information that the init_file configuration may not have access to.
  • Change configuration settings such as innodb_log_file_size and adjust the on disk files that this needs.
  • Change configuration settings such as log_bin (I try to use a relative paths to ensure that different instances use a common setting even if datadir is different, and changing from an absolute to relative path often requires adjusting the binlog index file).
  • Shutting down MySQL may need to be delayed if the SQL thread has open temporary tables or open transactions are still being processed.
  • etc…

You may have others and many of these are likely to be site …

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Hadoop Primer – Yet Another Hadoop Introduction

I just came upon a pretty good Hadoop introduction paper posted on Sunâ€s wiki. Apache Hadoop is a free Java software framework that supports data intensive distributed applications. It enables applications to work with thousands of nodes and petabytes of data. Hadoop was inspired by Google's MapReduce and Google File System (GFS) (wikipedia). I wouldnâ€t call it an alternative to mysql – theyâ€re in completely different weight categories. I like …

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A Place in the Sun

My first day was over a month ago (depending on how you reckon it - I count by when I was "onboarded" in Burlington, MA in late March), but I am finally settled in enough to have a Sun blog. It's been quite a ride.

This could (and may) be the subject of many posts in this space, but I thought I would start this one with some observations of what it is like going from a smallish company (MySQL was ~60 when I started and ~400 when we were acquired) to a largish one (Sun is close to 34,000 today).

Sun is big. I remember a statistic from 9th grade physics that the number of basketballs you can fit in the Earth is roughly the same as the number of Earths you can fit in our local star. I think there is a similar ratio for the number of MySQLs (offices, people, servers, etc) you can fit in the terrestrial Sun.

Some interesting first-month facts:

  • My local office …
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A Place in the Sun

My first day was over a month ago (depending on how you reckon it - I count by when I was "onboarded" in Burlington, MA in late March), but I am finally settled in enough to have a Sun blog. It's been quite a ride.

This could (and may) be the subject of many posts in this space, but I thought I would start this one with some observations of what it is like going from a smallish company (MySQL was ~60 when I started and ~400 when we were acquired) to a largish one (Sun is close to 34,000 today).

Sun is big. I remember a statistic from 9th grade physics that the number of basketballs you can fit in the Earth is roughly the same as the number of Earths you can fit in our local star. I think there is a similar ratio for the number of MySQLs (offices, people, servers, etc) you can fit in the terrestrial Sun.

Some interesting first-month facts:

  • My local office …
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A Place in the Sun

My first day was over a month ago (depending on how you reckon it - I count by when I was "onboarded" in Burlington, MA in late March), but I am finally settled in enough to have a Sun blog. It's been quite a ride.

This could (and may) be the subject of many posts in this space, but I thought I would start this one with some observations of what it is like going from a smallish company (MySQL was ~60 when I started and ~400 when we were acquired) to a largish one (Sun is close to 34,000 today).

Sun is big. I remember a statistic from 9th grade physics that the number of basketballs you can fit in the Earth is roughly the same as the number of Earths you can fit in our local star. I think there is a similar ratio for the number of MySQLs (offices, people, servers, etc) you can fit in the terrestrial Sun.

Some interesting first-month facts:

  • My local office …
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