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Displaying posts with tag: munin (reset)
Munin graphing of MySQL

While there are many graphing tools out there and we’ve used Munin for a while now.

The MySQL plugin for Munin had fallen out of date and the show engine innodb status output changed in 5.5 making some bits of the plugin simply not work any more. Also the show global status has some extra variables so there was a need to create new graphs.

All of these are now in the 2.1.8+ development releases of Munin.

Here are samples of the new/updated graphs.


Table …

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Blank MySQL Graphs in Munin

From the Munin FAQ

Q: Why are the graphs for the MySQL plugin blank?

This is due to a bug in a Perl library Munin uses which causes $PATH to be lost. This again causes the plugin to not find the mysqladmin program which it needs to retrive the numbers the needed in the graphs. The solution is to hardcode the path of the program.

First locate the mysqladmin program. On most systems, the command which mysqladmin, type mysqladmin or locate mysqladmin will help you. When you find the path, enter that path in /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node.

This is how it might look:

darkstar:~# which mysqladmin
Then, under the [mysql*] section identifier in /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node, add the following line:

env.mysqladmin /usr/bin/mysqladmin

Found in the …

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Agent vs agent-less monitoring

Baron posted something interesting about agent vs agent-less monitoring in response to Rob.

While reading it, I couldn’t help thinking that the distinction is somewhat misleading, if not wrong.

I’d go so far as to say that agent-less doesn’t exist as such. Why do I say such heresy?

Trivially, you need some piece of software to collect data. With munin you configure a server that triggers scripts on the monitored servers. The set of data sources is governed by what you install in the correct directory on the monitored server. Cacti relies on SNMP heavily and also …

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Agent vs agent-less monitoring

Baron posted something interesting about agent vs agent-less monitoring in response to Rob.

While reading it, I couldn’t help thinking that the distinction is somewhat misleading, if not wrong.

I’d go so far as to say that agent-less doesn’t exist as such. Why do I say such heresy?

Trivially, you need some piece of software to collect data. With munin you configure a server that triggers scripts on the monitored servers. The set of data sources is governed by what you install in the correct directory on the monitored server. Cacti relies on SNMP heavily and also …

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Agent vs agent-less monitoring

Baron posted something interesting about agent vs agent-less monitoring in response to Rob.

While reading it, I couldn’t help thinking that the distinction is somewhat misleading, if not wrong.

I’d go so far as to say that agent-less doesn’t exist as such. Why do I say such heresy?

Trivially, you need some piece of software to collect data. With munin you configure a server that triggers scripts on the monitored servers. The set of data sources is governed by what you install in the correct directory on the monitored server. Cacti relies on SNMP heavily and also …

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