In MariaDB 10.2.12, these two don’t yet work together. GTID = Global Transaction ID. In the master-slave asynchronous replication realm, this means that you can reconnect a slave to another server (change its master) and it’ll happily continue replicating from the correct point. No more fussing with filenames and offsets (which of course will both differ on different machines).
So in concept the GTIID is “globally” unique – that means it’s consistent across an entire infra: a binlogged write transaction will have the same GTID no matter on which machine you look at it.
- OK: if you are transitioning from async replication to Galera cluster, and have a cluster as slave of the old infra, then GTID will work fine.
- PROBLEM: if you want to run an async slave in a Galera cluster, GTID will currently not work. At least not reliably.
The overview issue is …
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