In our latest article at Database Journal we talk about Character Sets in MySQL. What are they? How do they affect searching? How do they affect data that is inserted or updated? How can I set and control the for an application or globally in my database? And what pre-tell is collation? We answer all these questions and more.
Background Knowledge
The Search Plugin for TaskFreak! created by DaDaemon and xdu v0.0.1 (March 26, 2007) was designed to create a simple, quick search capability of the tasks title and description. As well it only searched through he current task view (tasks visible at the time) and tasks that are not completed. For some this was not what was desired and would rather have the Search Plugin search through all tasks weather completed or not and as well search through the comments of tasks along with the title and description. I’ll show you how this is done using Searcher, bchristie and davidlmansfield instructions posted on the TaskFreak! Forums.
Solution – Add the Ability to Search All Tasks
Edit the “index.php” located in …
[Read more]A particular blog entry usually feels relevant and topical when fresh, at least to the author. So let’s say a blog entry even carries some non-zero long-term value. How do you find it after a while? And more importantly, how will your readers find your blog entry?
Descriptive subjects go a long way. But your readers may be searching for “development model” when your header says “release plan”. And even if you anticipate the search words used by your readers, you can only pick one wording for your header.
Full-text search also helps. There’s now a brand new Search field in the top left corner of Planet MySQL. Chances are you’ll find what you look for, no matter if search for “Chinese”, “DRBD”, “development” or “PHP”. You may even search for several words, such as “Chinese, UTF”.
Easy searchability calls for yet a bit more, namely tagging. …
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