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Displaying posts with tag: collation (reset)
Character Sets: Migrating to utf8mb4 with pt_online_schema_change

Modern applications often feature the use of data in many different languages. This is often true even of applications that only offer a user facing interface in a single language. Many users may, for example, need to enter names which, although using Latin characters, feature diacritics; in other cases, they may need to enter text which contains Chinese or Japanese characters. Even if a user is capable of using an application localized for only one language, it may be necessary to deal with data from a wide variety of languages.

Additionally, increased use of mobile phones has lead to changes in communications behaviour; this includes a vastly increased use of standardized characters intended to convey emotions, often called “emojis” or “emoticons.” Originally, such information was conveyed using ASCII text, such as “:-)” to indicate happiness – but, as noted, this has changed, with many devices automatically converting such …

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Sushi = Beer ?! An introduction of UTF8 support in MySQL 8.0

In MySQL 8.0 our plan is to drastically improve support for utf8. While utf8 support itself dates back to MySQL 4.1, there exist some limitations. The “sushi = beer” problem in the title refers to Bug #76553. Sushi and beer don’t even go well together, at least not to my taste:-) I will use this bug as an example to explain issues with utf8 collations in the past and our plans for utf8 support going forward.…

Adding your own collation to MySQL

I’m the kind of DBA that prefers to keep everything simple, BUT, sometimes it’s not possible. Few days ago I’ve faced an issue where none of the collations shipped by default with MySQL would guarantee integrity of my database, and to avoid a massive re-write of application code, we have explored an option that up to the day, I didn’t know about.
Add your own collation to MySQL.

This option is described on this section of MySQL documentation . On this post I will show how to make MySQL identify volves with acute accent (fada) as a different letter:

First, let’s find out where is our character-set folder:

mysql [localhost] {msandbox} ((none)) > SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_sets_dir';
| Variable_name | Value |

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Collation options for new MySQL schemas and tables created in MySQL for Excel

In this blog post we are going to talk about one of the features included since MySQL for Excel 1.3.0, MySQL for Excel has always let you create new schemas and tables in a MySQL database, in versions lower than 1.3.0 these were created with the default character set and collation defined in the MySQL server. Starting with version 1.3.0 we introduced several features regarding collations:

  • New drop-downs were added that let you to override the default collation for new MySQL schemas and tables.
  • Default collations for each schema can be shownin the schemas list below the schema names.
  • The SQL queries for schemas creation can be previewed or displayed (depending on its global setting).

Remember you can install the latest GA or maintenance version using the  …

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Adding a case insensitive, distinct unicode collation

Every once in a while questions like the one in MySQL Bug #60843 or Bug #19567 come up:

What collation should i use if i want case insensitive behavior but also want all accented letter to be treated as distinct to their base letters?

or shorter, as the reporter of bug #60843 put it:

I need something like utf8_bin + ci

utf8_general_ci and utf8_unicode_ci unfortunately do not provide this behavior and utf8_bin is obviously not case insensitive.

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How To – Configure MySQL to Use UTF-8

Background Knowledge

Using the character set UTF-8 allows for the use of any language, can represent every character in the Unicode character set and is backward compatibility with ASCII. Not to mention is can handle any platform and be sent through many different systems without corruption. With such advantages this is why so many are making the switch.

The following instructions were done on Debian Squeeze v6.04 AMD64 operating system using MySQL v14.14 Distrib 5.1.61.

Solution – Server Configuration

At present MySQL is configured by default to use “latin1″ character set. Here’s how to change MySQL configuration to use UTF-8 character set and collation.

  1. Check MySQL’s current configuration, run the following two SQL statements.

    SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%collation%'; …
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Understanding MySQL binary and non-binary string data types

Having reviewed different table structures designed by different people, I have come to the conclusion that binary and non-binary string data types are used without consideration of the consequences of choosing either one. The confusion stems from the fact that both non-binary and binary string data appear to store characters because they can be saved as quoted string.

DBJ – MySQL Character Sets

In our latest article at Database Journal we talk about Character Sets in MySQL.  What are they?  How do they affect searching?  How do they affect data that is inserted or updated?  How can I set and control the for an application or globally in my database?  And what pre-tell is collation?  We answer all these questions and more.

Database Journal – Understanding MySQL Character Sets

Charset support in MySQL is really not all that complex

The headline is flame-bait, don’t take it. I just wanted to point something out about character sets and collations in MySQL.

To the uninitiated, it may seem overwhelming. Everything has a character set! Everything has a collation! And they act weirdly! The server has one. The database has one (oh, and it changes magically as I USE different databases.) Every table has one, and columns too. Is that all? NO! My connection has one! Kill me now!

Relax. In truth, only one kind of thing actually has a charset/collation. That is values. And values are stored in columns. The only thing that really has a charset/collation is a column.[1]

What about all the rest of those things — connection, database, server, table? Those are just defaults, which determine what charset/collation a value gets if it isn’t overridden. So if the table’s default charset is utf8, and you add a column without saying what …

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Running a case sensitive query in on a case insensitive table

A colleague at work asked me “how can I run a case sensitive select on a case insensitive table?” out of curiosity and for a moment I hesitated, then said, yeah why not :) ….

Below are two different approaches (one of which is quite inefficient) and if anyone has another way, better or worse, please do leave a comment with your suggested approach :).



mysql [localhost] {root} (test) > create table t1(a varchar(20));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql [localhost] {root} (test) > insert into t1 (a) values ('darren');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql [localhost] {root} (test) > insert into t1 (a) values ('Darren');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql [localhost] {root} (test) > insert into t1 (a) values ('DarRen');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 …

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