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Displaying posts with tag: peer to patent (reset)
Software patents, prior art, and revelations of the Peer to Patent review

A href="">report
from the Peer to Patent initiative shows
that the project is having salutary effects on the patent system.
Besides the greater openness that Peer to Patent promotes in
evaluating individual patent applications, it is creating a new
transparency and understanding of the functioning of the patent system
as a whole. I'll give some background to help readers understand the
significance of Manny Schecter's newsletter item, which concerns prior
art that exists outside of patents. I'll add my own comments about
software patents.

Let's remind ourselves of the basic rule of patenting: no one should
get a patent for something that was done before by someone else. Even
if …

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451 CAOS Links 2009.04.28

OIN aims to cut the FAT. What is the point of the GPL? Black Duck takes flight. Ingres delivers appliance. The ongoing fallout from Oracle-Sun. Feedback on the Bee Keeper model. And more.

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OIN aims to cut the FAT
# The Open Invention Network announced plans to review the Microsoft FAT patents at the center of its recent skirmish and settlement with TomTom. have been placed for prior art review on the Post-Issue …

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