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Displaying posts with tag: rhel (reset)
Linux bash: check the MySQL database disk usage
# by dragkh
# Wed, 02 Mar 2011 17:59:44 +0100
# it will work on linux boxes with working mysql 
ps axu \
| grep datadir \
| grep mysql \
| grep -v grep \
| grep var \
| sed 's/^.*--datadir=//; s/ .*$//'   \
| sort \
| uniq  \
| while read crap
echo ""
sized=$(du -s $crap | awk '{print $1}')
avail=$(df | grep $(dirname $crap) | awk '{print $2}')
echo -e  "$crap\t$sized\t$avail" | awk '{printf ("%s:\tUsed: %6.2fG \tDISK: %6.2fG\t Usage: %6.2f%% \n",$1,$2/1024/1024,$3/1024/1024,($2/$3)*100)}'
find $crap/ -maxdepth  1 -type d ! -type l  ! -path "$crap/"   -printf '"%p"\n'  | xargs  --no-run-if-empty  du -s | sort -nk 1,9 | awk -vavail=$avail '{crapy="";for(i=2; i<=NF; i++) {crapy=crapy" "$i;};printf (" -- %s\tUsed: %6.2fG \tDISK:%6.2fG Usage:%6.2f%%\n",crapy,$1/1024/1024,avail/1024/1024,($1/avail)*100)}'

result looks like

root@xxxx:[Wed Mar 02 16:54:59]:
/var/lib/mysql/aaaa/datafiles:               Used:  26.43G …
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Downloading, compiling, and installing MySQL Server from source code

This content has been updated and moved to a new place.

If you are running any GNU/Linux server operating system like RHEL 5 or CentOS 5, you may probably install MySQL server that comes with the operating system packages either during the initial setup or later using yum(8). The advantage being addition/removal of packages either using the GUI package manager or rpm(8), yum(8). Fair enough. But unfortunately the MySQL package (mysql-server) that comes bundled with RHEL 5.5 or CentOS 5.5 is fairly old (5.0.77). What if you want to install the latest stable version of MySQL yet have the advantage of removing/re-installing the software using rpm(8)?

In this blog post, I will guide you with compiling MySQL from source code yet installing the software through rpm(8) so that we tune and …

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451 CAOS Links 2010.02.12

Licensing, community, funding, revenue, business models, patents. And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

# The Community announced the release of 3.2.

# An interview with Michael Tiemann on licensing and community.

# DotNetNuke raised $8m series B funding.

# Microsoft updated its Linux Integrated Components, introducing support for RHEL in Hyper-V.

# An interview with Marten Mickos on …

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MariaDB 5.1.39 for Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL/CentOS

You can now yum (RPM) or apt-get (DEB) MariaDB 5.1.39, courtesy of OurDelta and in close cooperation with Monty Program Ab. Simply follow the info on the CentOS, Debian or Ubuntu pages.

(note: give the mirrors some hours to sync up)

Quick overview

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MySQL 5.0.87-d10 OurDelta packages

MySQL 5.0.87-d10 OurDelta builds are now available (32 and 64-bit):

Apart from the 5.0.87 upstream fixes there were a few minor fixes in the build environment, and one updated Percona patch. The -sail builds now include the OQGRAPH engine. Source packages are with the respective distro repos, and there are …

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MySQL in RHEL5/CentOS5 gets an update

It’s worth noting that Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5 has had an update to MySQL in the last month. This naturally means that CentOS 5 also had a similar update. It’s now bumped up to MySQL 5.0.77 (goodbye 5.0.45!; which is what RHEL5 shipped with). This is a moderate security release, so consider updating, if you can afford a mysqld restart.

Read more about the 4 CVE bugs fixed. CentOS followed suit within two weeks.

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Red Hat’s organic growth opportunities

We reported recently on Red Hat’s revenue growth and deferred revenue. One of the things I have been looking at recently is the slowdown in Red Hat’s growth in recent years, and the opportunities that the company has to improve that growth.

For some perspective it is worth noting that while Red Hat’s revenue has been growing steadily:

The rate of growth has been in decline for some time:

We have also noted (451 Group clients only) that the company will in …

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MySQL: How do you enable sphinxse (Sphinx Storage Engine) in your mysql installation?

As you may know mysql fulltext search is not highly scalable.  One of the options to get around this scalability limitation, which I prefer, is to use Sphinx.  You can use Sphinx with out having to alter your mysql installation.  But, if you would like to use from within mysql and not have to worry about how to pass data between Sphinx and MySQL, you can enable sphinxse (sphinx storage engine).  It is not included with mysql by default so you will have to compile it yourself.

Here are the instructions on how to get sphinxse compiled with your mysql installation on CentOS x64.  I am sure same instructions will work for other flavors but I have not tested it.  I will be compiling the most current version of sphinx (0.9.8) with most current stable version of mysql (5.0.51b) at the time of the writing.  Let’s get the appropriate …

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Maatkit in RHEL and CentOS

Update: Karanbir says “Just one thing to keep in mind is that we dont want too many people using it from the Testing repository - we only need enough feedback to move it from testing to stable ( and to be honest, there are already 8 people who have said yes it works - so move to stable should happen within the next 24 - 48 hrs ). Once the package is in stable, users on CentOS4 and 5 wont need to do anything more than just ‘yum install maatkit’ and it will install for them.”

At least one person (Karanbir Singh) is working to get Maatkit into the CentOS repositories, and I believe there might be movement towards RHEL also. From an email to the Maatkit discussion list a little while ago,

I am in the process of getting maatkit into the CentOS-Extras …

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Duplicate binlog-do-db entry ? Solution

At the November MySQL User Group, Patrick Galbraith ran into a problem where binlog-do-db was duplicated. It manifests itself like this: (copied from

master my.cnf: binlog-do-db=db1

slave my.cnf: replicate-do-db=db1;

Relevant show slave status output

Replicate_Do_DB: db1;,db1;

When db1 is modified on master, Read_Master_Log_Pos and Relay_Log_Pos do changes, also I can open and see the changes in rh3-relay-bin.000002, but they do not appear in [...]

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