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Displaying posts with tag: scaling (reset)
Deep Dive into GTIDs and MySQL 5.6 - What, Why and How

Global Transaction Identifiers (GTIDs) are one of the key replication enhancements in MySQL 5.6. GTIDs make it simple to track and compare replication across a master - slave topology. This enables:

- Much simpler recovery from failures of the master,

- Introduces great flexibility in the provisioning and on-going management of multi-tier or ring (circular) replication topologies.

A new on-demand MySQL 5.6 GTID webinar delivered by the replication engineering team is now available, providing deep insight into the design and implementation of GTIDs, and how they enable users to simplify MySQL scaling and HA. The webinar covers:

- Concepts: What is a GTID? How does the …

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Serving Clients Rather than Falling Over

Dawnstar Australis (yes, nickname – but I know him personally – he speaks with knowledge and authority) updates on The Real Victims Of The Click Frenzy Fail: The Australian Consumer after his earlier post from a few months ago.

Colourful language aside, I believe he rightfully points out the failings of the organising company and the big Australian retailers. From the Open Query perspective we can just review the situation where sites fall over under load. Contrary to what they say, that’s not a cool indication of popularity. Let’s compare with the real world:

  1. Brick & Mortar store does something that turns out popular and we see a huge queue outside, people need to wait for hours. The people in the queue can chat, and overall …
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MySQL Cluster to InnoDB Replication Howto

In this blog post I will show you how to setup a replication from MySQL Cluster  (ndbcluster) to a regular MySQL Server (InnoDB). If you want to understand the concepts, check out part 7 of our free MySQL Cluster training.

First of all we start with a MySQL Cluster looking like this, and what we want to do is to setup replication server to the Reporting Server (InnoDB slave).

MySQL Cluster is great at scaling large numbers of write transactions or shorter key-based read querise, but not so good at longer reporting or analytical queries. I generally recommend people to limit analytical/reporting queries on the MySQL Cluster, in order to avoid slowing down the …

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Scaling 101 - We are Failing the Next Generation

The other day Twitter was down and I had no place to comment on Twitter being down. This got us to talking about scaling at work. I was reminded of the recent slides posted from Instagram about their scaling journey. They are great slides. There is only one problem I have with them. They are just the same slides that you would find from 2000 about scaling.

I have to say, I like Instagram. My daughter has something like 1,000 followers on Instagram. And good for them for being bought by Facebook for a bajillion dollars. This is not a dig on them really. This is a dig on our industry. Why did Instagram have to learn the hard way how to scale their app? I want to point out some of their issues and discuss why its silly they had to learn this the hard way.

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Jetpants: a toolkit for huge MySQL topologies

From a Tumblr engineering blog post:

Tumblr is one of the largest users of MySQL on the web. At present, our data set consists of over 60 billion relational rows, adding up to 21 terabytes of unique relational data. Managing over 200 dedicated database servers can be a bit of a handful, so naturally we engineered some creative solutions to help automate our common processes.

Today, we’re happy to announce the open source release of Jetpants, Tumblr’s in-house toolchain for managing huge MySQL database topologies. Jetpants offers a command suite for easily cloning replicas, rebalancing shards, and performing master …

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MySQL Cluster on Raspberry Pi

Earlier this week, Andrew Morgan wrote a piece on running MySQL Cluster on Raspberry Pi. Since the term “Cluster” is hideously overloaded, I’ll note that we’re talking about the NDB cluster storage engine here, a very specific architecture originally acquired by MySQL AB from Ericsson (telco).

Raspberry Pi is a new single-board computer based on the ARM processor series (same stuff that powers most mobile phones these days), and it can run Linux without any fuss. Interfaces include Ethernet, USB, and HDMI video, and the cost is $25-50. I’m looking to use one for the front-end of a MythTV setup (digital video recorder and TV system), I can just strap the Raspberry Pi to the back of a TV or monitor to do its …

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MySQL Scaling breakfast seminar – London, April 25th

I’ll be presenting on/demoing MySQL Cluster 7.2 at this free breakfast seminar in Oracle’s London office on 25th April – starting with coffee at 9:00 and ending with lunch at 13:00 (quite a generous take on “breakfast”!). Space is limited and so if you would like to attend then register early here.

As well as MySQL Cluster there will be …

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Synchronously Replicating Databases Across Data Centers – Are you Insane?


Well actually….no. The second Development Milestone Release of MySQL Cluster 7.2 introduces support for what we call “Multi-Site Clustering”. In this post, I’ll provide an overview of this new capability, and considerations you need to make when considering it as a deployment option to scale geographically dispersed database services.<?xml:namespace prefix = o />

You can read more about MySQL Cluster 7.2.1 in the article posted on the MySQL Developer Zone

MySQL Cluster has long offered Geographic Replication, distributing clusters to remote data centers to reduce the affects of geographic latency by pushing data closer to the user, as well as providing a capability for disaster recovery.

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Synchronously Replicating Databases Across Data Centers – Are you Insane?


Well actually….no. The second Development Milestone Release of MySQL Cluster 7.2 introduces support for what we call “Multi-Site Clustering”. In this post, I’ll provide an overview of this new capability, and considerations you need to make when considering it as a deployment option to scale geographically dispersed database services.<?xml:namespace prefix = o />

You can read more about MySQL Cluster 7.2.1 in the article posted on the MySQL Developer Zone

MySQL Cluster has long offered Geographic Replication, distributing clusters to remote data centers to reduce the affects of geographic latency by pushing data closer to the user, as well as providing a capability for disaster recovery.

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Scaling Web Databases, Part 3: SQL & NoSQL Data Access

Supporting successful services on the web means scaling your back-end databases across multiple dimensions. This blog focuses on scaling access methods to your data using SQL and/or NoSQL interfaces.

In Part 1 of the blog series , I discussed scaling database performance using auto-sharding and active/active geographic replication in MySQL Cluster to enable applications to scale both within and across data centers.  

In Part 2, I discussed the need to scale operational agility to keep pace with demand, which includes being able to add capacity and performance to the database, and to evolve the schema – all without downtime.

So in this blog I want …

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