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Displaying posts with tag: Linux (reset)
451 CAOS Links 2010.02.12

Licensing, community, funding, revenue, business models, patents. And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

# The Community announced the release of 3.2.

# An interview with Michael Tiemann on licensing and community.

# DotNetNuke raised $8m series B funding.

# Microsoft updated its Linux Integrated Components, introducing support for RHEL in Hyper-V.

# An interview with Marten Mickos on …

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SAP as a case study for open source engagement

There was some incredulity expressed yesterday when I suggested that SAP is a great case study on the way in which proprietary companies have engaged with open source.

To be clear, I was not suggesting that SAP is, or should be considered, an open source company, but based on our understanding of SAP’s changing strategy with regards to open source software it represents a good case study on how proprietary companies have learned that it is in their best interests to contribute to open source software projects.

Jay and I had the opportunity yesterday to speak to Claus von Riegen, SAP director of technology standards and open source, and Erwin Tenhumberg, SAP open source program manager. Our formal …

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451 CAOS Links 2010.02.09

Ken Jacobs departs Oracle. Linus loves his Nexus One. And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

# As Matt Asay noted, Ken Jacobs’ departure from Oracle is a significant loss for MySQL.

# Linus Toravlds gave the Nexus One his personal thumbs-up.

# Glyn Moody outlined the H.264 video standards debate.

# Oracle job cuts affect GNOME accessibility work but, as Joe Brockmeier pointed out, the blame lies with everyone.

# SourceForge project administrators …

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Copyrights and wrongs

One of the issues I have with the Free Software approach is that advocates have habit of throwing the baby out with the bathwater when discussing issues that they see as in any way negative to free software.

I was reminded of this while reading Bradley M. Kuhn’s criticism of Mark Shuttleworth’s reported views on copyright assignment.

Having read the original interview with Mark, and then Bradley’s response, it is pretty clear that the two have very different perspectives on copyright assignment: Mark is speaking from the perspective of a commercial business, Bradley form that of a non-profit foundation.

The two entities have very different reasons for enforcing copyright assignment …

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CAOS Theory Podcast 2010.02.05

Topics for this podcast:

*Matt Asay moves from Alfresco to Canonical
*GPL fade fuels heated discussion
*Apple’s iPad and its enterprise and open source impact
*Open source in data warehousing and storage
*Our perspective on Oracle’s plans for Sun open source

iTunes or direct download (32:50, 9.2 MB)

451 CAOS Links 2010.02.06

Matt Asay joins Canonical. Paula Hunter joins the CodePlex Foundation. And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

# Matt Asay joined Canonical as chief operating officer.

# Paula Hunter was named executive director of the CodePlex Foundation.

# Actuate recorded $6.5m in BIRT-related business for Q4; annual BIRT-related business of $18.2m up 18%.

# Glyn Moody outlined The Great Oracle Experiment.

# The Symbian Foundation …

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Kontrollbase – scripts being rewritten in Python, request improvements now!

The time has come for major performance improvements to the reporter, stats-gather, alerter, and client scripts. This means that I will be rewriting the scripts in Python. A couple of reasons for this; to cut down on the number of modules that are required for the installation process (which also makes distributing the client script [...]

451 CAOS Links 2010.02.02

Oracle’s plans for Sun’s OSS. The UK’s updated OSS strategy. And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

Oracle’s plans for Sun’s OSS
# Oracle’s MySQL strategy slide.

# eWeek reported that database thought leaders are divided on Oracle MySQL.

# Savio Rodrigues and Computerworld on Oracle’s plans for MySQL, other open source assets.

# Zack Urlocker is leaving Oracle/Sun/MySQL.

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Kontrollbase – a simple way to install module requirements

I’ve been looking over the documentation lately and trying to find ways to improve the installation experience for new users. That said, I’ve written a short but useful description of the easiest way to install all of the Perl and PHP requirements for Kontrollbase. You can find it here: – or in the Installation [...]

LinuxTag 2010: Call for Papers Ends Today

LinuxTag is the most important place for Linux and open source software in Europe. Last year, LinuxTag had over ten thousand attendees, and over 300 speakers. This year, the 16th LinuxTag will be June 9-12, 2010 at the Berlin Fairgrounds in Germany.

LinuxTag seeks exciting and suitable proposals for presentations in the conference tracks. The Call for Papers ends today.

I am proud to be a member of the LinuxTag Program Committee. Although a lot of proposals have already been submitted, there are some topics missing that I’d personally like to see covered. So, if you’re up for a last minute submission, get your inspiration from the following list:

  • Is/was the recent economic crisis an …
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