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Displaying posts with tag: sql (reset)
Charset support in MySQL is really not all that complex

The headline is flame-bait, don’t take it. I just wanted to point something out about character sets and collations in MySQL.

To the uninitiated, it may seem overwhelming. Everything has a character set! Everything has a collation! And they act weirdly! The server has one. The database has one (oh, and it changes magically as I USE different databases.) Every table has one, and columns too. Is that all? NO! My connection has one! Kill me now!

Relax. In truth, only one kind of thing actually has a charset/collation. That is values. And values are stored in columns. The only thing that really has a charset/collation is a column.[1]

What about all the rest of those things — connection, database, server, table? Those are just defaults, which determine what charset/collation a value gets if it isn’t overridden. So if the table’s default charset is utf8, and you add a column without saying what …

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Cary Millsap: Thinking Clearly about Performance

Cary Millsap has a concise, readable paper on performance. Anyone involved in database performance optimization should read it. Cary’s writing has heavily influenced the mk-query-digest tool for analyzing MySQL/PostgreSQL/Memcached/HTTP query performance, and I think you’ll get a lot more from mk-query-digest if you read this paper — and you should also read his book, reviewed here. It’s one of the top books on my Essential Books List.

Related posts:

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I’ll be speaking at the O’Reilly MySQL Conference 2010

I’m speaking at the O’Reilly MySQL Conference 2010. I hope I don’t lose my voice, because I have four sessions!

You can click through on the links above to learn …

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Learn about mk-query-digest at PgEast 2010

I’ll be attending PgEast this year, as I’ve done for the last couple of years, and this year I’ll also be speaking. The topic is query analysis with mk-query-digest. The official description of my talk is as follows:

mk-query-digest is a powerful open-source tool for capturing, filtering, transforming, and aggregating queries, with the ability to do all sorts of other advanced tasks too. By default, it aggregates similar queries together and presents a designed-for-DBAs report with statistics about the most important queries, so you can see where to focus your optimization efforts. This talk shows you how to use mk-query-digest to analyze your Postgres server’s workload.

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mk-query-digest now supports Postgres logs

Maatkit does more than just MySQL. I’ve just committed a new version of mk-query-digest, a powerful log analysis tool, with support for Posgtres logs, in both syslog and stderr format. I’m hoping that people will give this a spin in the real world. I have lots of test cases, but that’s never enough; I’m looking for people to crunch their logs and let me know if anything breaks.

A brief tutorial:

# Get it
$ wget

# Run it
$ perl mk-query-digest --type pglog /path/to/log/file

# Learn about it (search for the string "pglog")
$ perldoc mk-query-digest

I’m going to close comments on this blog post so I don’t get bug reports in the comments. If you have feedback, please post it to the Maatkit mailing list, or …

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A review of Understanding MySQL Internals by Sasha Pachev

Understanding MySQL Internals

Understanding MySQL Internals. By Sasha Pachev, O’Reilly 2007. Page count: about 227 pages. (Here’s a link to the publisher’s site).

I should have read this book a long time ago, and it’s my loss that I didn’t. Although the title makes it sound like it should only benefit those who’ll be changing the MySQL server’s own code, that’s not true. To the contrary, at least parts of this book should be required reading for DBAs and developers who use MySQL, after they gain a moderate level of familiarity with how to use the server.

The book does indeed start off …

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How PostgreSQL protects against partial page writes and data corruption

I explored two interesting topics today while learning more about Postgres.

Partial page writes

PostgreSQL’s partial page write protection is configured by the following setting, which defaults to “on”:

full_page_writes (boolean)

When this parameter is on, the PostgreSQL server writes the entire content of each disk page to WAL during the first modification of that page after a checkpoint… Storing the full page image guarantees that the page can be correctly restored, but at a price in increasing the amount of data that must be written to WAL. (Because WAL replay always starts from a checkpoint, it is sufficient to do this during the first change of each page after a checkpoint. Therefore, one way to reduce the cost of full-page writes is to increase the checkpoint interval parameters.)

Trying to reduce the cost of full-page writes by increasing the checkpoint interval highlights a compromise. …

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How often should you use OPTIMIZE TABLE?

Many times I’ve heard people advise on “best practices” for a MySQL database. This often includes routine maintenance, such as “you should run OPTIMIZE TABLE on all of your InnoDB tables once a week to defragment them for better performance.”

But this advice is unsubstantiated and could even be detrimental. Here are some of the obvious problems that I can think of:

  • The optimized table compacts the primary key (clustered index) to its default 15/16ths fill factor per page. But other indexes will be built in pseudo-random order and are likely to end up just as fragmented afterwards as before. Which indexes are more important for performance? Maybe the primary key is just a dummy value that’s not even used, and the secondary indexes are the ones that would benefit from compacting.
  • Suppose the primary key is the important one, and SELECT queries will perform more quickly if it’s defragmented. Why does it …
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InfiniDB gets the release process right

InfiniDB has a sensible Enterprise/Community release process, which seems similar to what I suggested for MySQL. Its simplicity also stands in stark contrast to MySQL’s new release policy, which is hard to understand and has been confusing people.

Related posts:

  1. Thank you for the MySQL 5.4 Community Release MySQL 5.4
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NDB$INFO with SQL hits beta

Bernhard blogged over at that MySQL Cluster 7.1.1 Beta has been released. The big feature (from my point of view) is the SQL interface on top of NDB$INFO. This means there is now full infrastructure from the NDB data nodes right out to SQL in the MySQL Server for adding monitoring to any bit of the internals of the data nodes.

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