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Displaying posts with tag: sql (reset)
There is no apostrophe in Maatkit

Yes, Maatkit’s name was inspired by Ma’at, which has an apostrophe. But there is NO apostrophe in the name of the popular toolkit for MySQL users.

I’m just sayin’.

Related posts:

  1. Learn about Maatkit at the MySQL Conference I’m
  2. Speaking about Maatkit at CPOSC I’m
  3. Making Maatkit more Open Source one step at a time If you

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The MySQL Conference will be very good this year

I’m on the voting committee of the MySQL Conference this year. I was on the same committee in 2008. This year’s submissions are awesome. Much different from previous years, for whatever reason.

Some of the proposals are sales pitches, infomercials, or just generally BS, but there’s a gang of sharp-eyed people on the committee who are digging into who submits the proposals, what their company does, etc. Those sessions are getting shot down with bluntly honest reviews and low votes. I have a pretty good reason to believe those votes will carry a lot of weight. But even if they don’t, there simply aren’t many bad proposals! The overwhelming majority of them are very useful technical proposals from people who really know what they are talking about.

This year I truly agree that this is going to be a “deeply technical” event, as it has been …

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My wishlist for SQL: the UNTIL clause

I’d like an UNTIL clause, please. I’d use it sort of like LIMIT in MySQL and PostgreSQL, except that it would define when to stop returning looking for rows, instead of defining how many to return. Example:

SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY user_id UNTIL user_id >= 100;

That would select users up to and including user 99. Ideally the clause could accept any boolean predicate, including subqueries. I’ll hold my breath and wait for this wish to come true now.

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A review of Get it Done with MySQL 5&6 by Peter Brawley and Arthur Fuller

Get it Done with MySQL 5&6

Get it Done with MySQL 5&6. By Peter Brawley and Arthur Fuller. Self-published, 2009. Page count: about 615 pages. I asked the authors for a print edition to review, but it is also available as an e-book.

The right word to describe this book falls somewhere between “tome” and “lunker.” You could beat back an unwelcome salesperson with it. You could also beat back any number of stubborn database problems. It’s kind of like a MySQL Manual plus a ton of practical how-to-use-MySQL information.

This is an unusual book in that it is useful for a very broad audience. I’d say you can get a lot out of it if you are a) new to databases b) new to MySQL c) in need of reference material d) looking for practical examples of installing or using MySQL e) trying to …

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How to upgrade your Kontrollbase schema

If you have recently downloaded or checked out a new version of Kontrollbase and find that you need to upgrade the schema from a previous version then you will probably find this post useful. If you don’t know if you need to upgrade then you probably do, so read along for a bit just to [...]

"How to find the source of queries in MySQL Query Analyzer" or "SQL comments in Query Analyzer"

MySQL Enterprise Monitor offers a tool called "Query Analyzer" (QuAn). QuAn sits between any client app and the MySQL server and logs every query and its runtime statistics. A very cool tool for analyzing your SQL. More information is available here.If you identify a query, that needs some improvement, sometimes it is hard to identify the source of that query as well. With hundreds of different PHP scripts for example it is not easy to know, which one issued the query, that you want to modify.A good way to achieve this is adding C-style SQL comments. Let's look at an example: SELECT * FROM mytable …

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Version 1.1.6 of Better Cacti Templates released

I’ve released version 1.1.6 of the Better Cacti Templates project. This release includes a bunch of bug fixes (but not all of them!) and two new sets of graphs. One set is for disk I/O on GNU/Linux, and the other is a new set of templates for OpenVZ. I’m looking for feedback on both of those. This release also has a bunch of code-level features: much better test coverage (hooray!), and a refactored ss_get_by_ssh.php that makes it much easier to create new graphs and templates. The SSH-based templates also take advantage of the same caching as the MySQL templates, which makes them a lot more efficient.

There are upgrade instructions on the project wiki for this and all releases. There is also a comprehensive tutorial on …

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How Linux iostat computes its results

iostat is one of the most important tools for measuring disk performance, which of course is very relevant for database administrators, whether your chosen database is Postgres, MySQL, Oracle, or anything else that runs on GNU/Linux. Have you ever wondered where statistics like await (average wait for the request to complete) come from? If you look at the disk statistics the Linux kernel makes available through files such as /proc/diskstats, you won’t see await there. How does iostat compute await? For that matter, how does it compute the average queue size, service time, and utilization? This blog post will show you how that’s computed.

First, let’s look at the fields in /proc/diskstats. The order and location varies between kernels, but the following applies to 2.6 kernels. For reads and writes, the file contains the number of …

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Materialized view makes login process 25k times faster

It may sound like a dramatic number, and that’s because it is. One thing that is enjoyable about working on beta applications is finding new solutions and better methods to improve the user experience. The original method for displaying the recent addition of overview analytics data in the beta version of Kontrollbase was to run [...]

Monty Widenius is trying to regain control of MySQL and why this is bad for OSS

One of the most widely discussed topics to go around the tech industry last year was the Oracle acquisition of Sun and what this meant for the MySQL database. This topic held up the merger with the US DOJ and currently has it stalled in the EU commission.

One of the primary forces behind these hold ups is a series of FUD articles written by Monty Widenius, the most recent just a few days ago. Monty has a huge following so whenever he writes up one of these articles it gets huge circulation and riles up the Slashdot and LAMP crowds.

I think that the open source community should be very skeptical about anything written by Monty on this topic, and should start looking at the big picture of what this merger means for themselves and the various players involved.

I don’t know why I haven’t been seeing many serious rebuttals to …

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