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451 CAOS Links 2010.01.27

Oracle closes Sun acquisition. The state of the union at Red Hat. And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

# Oracle has completed its acquisition of Sun Microsystems.

# Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst discussed the current State of the Union at Red Hat.

# Oracle told eWeek Java will be “business as usual”.

# CNet published Scott McNealy’s farewell email to Sun employees.

# The WSJ reported that Larry Ellison …

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MySQL and PostgresSQL jobs on the Rise, Oracle job postings decline

This tweet from former MySQL AB CEO Mårten Mickos caught my eye. It shows a trend of increased demand for MySQL and PostgresSQL expertise while job postings on job websites for  those with Oracle and Ingres expertise declined.

I was a little shocked by the graph until you realize it’s just a trend. I then looked at the absolute number of jobs requesting database expertise and the story quickly becomes clear….

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Drizzle Commit Statistics

Per day:

Per Month:

Or more interestingly… What day are commits being made? Are we working over the weekend?

Do we work all night?

Drizzle hackers are just as likely to commit something at 3am as they are at 10am.

Andrew Lampitt defines Open-Core Licensing

JasperSoft’s business development director Andrew Lampitt has kicked off his new blog with an interesting post related to business models used by open source-related vendors.

In it he attempts to define the approach utilized by the likes of JasperSoft and SugarCRM, which offer open source products with core functionality, as well as commercial extensions. The approach is a twist on the dual licensing approach made famous by MySQL* where the vendor, as copyright holder, makes the code available under both the GNU GPL and a commercial license for customers that would rather avoid the GPL.

The approach taken by JasperSoft et al is not to segment by user base but by features. As Andrew explains, “the commercial license is a super-set of the open source product, i.e., it offers premium product features that you will not see in …

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