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Displaying posts with tag: software (reset)
Artikel in JavaSPEKTRUM 03/12

In Ausgabe 3/2012 der Fachzeitschrift JavaSPEKTRUM wurde kürzlich ein Artikel mit dem Titel "SOA-basierte NoSQL-Lösung im Mobile-Umfeld" veröffentlicht, dessen Co-Autor ich bin. Er beschreibt, wie eine mobile Java-Applikation mittels kreativer Ansätze und einem Mix aus moderner und altbewährter Technik zum Erfolg gebracht wurde.

Der Volltext kann entweder im Browser auf der codecentric Homepage unter der Rubrik Kompetenzen/Publikationen gelesen werden, steht aber auch als PDF zum Download bereit.

451 Research delivers market sizing estimates for NoSQL, NewSQL and MySQL ecosystem

NoSQL and NewSQL database technologies pose a long-term competitive threat to MySQL’s position as the default database for Web applications, according to a new report published by 451 Research.

The report, MySQL vs. NoSQL and NewSQL: 2011-2015, examines the competitive dynamic between MySQL and the emerging NoSQL non-relational, and NewSQL relational database technologies.

It concludes that while the current impact of NoSQL and NewSQL database technologies on MySQL is minimal, they pose a long-term competitive threat due to their adoption for new development projects. The report includes market sizing and growth estimates, with the key findings as follows:

• NoSQL software vendors generated revenue* of $20m in 2011. NoSQL software revenue is expected to rapidly grow at a CAGR of 82% to reach $215m by 2015.

• NewSQL software …

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Tech Messages | 2012-05-11

A special extended edition of Tech Messages for 2011-09-21 through 2012-05-11:

Mixed signals in IT’s great war over IP

Recent news that Microsoft and Barnes & Noble agreed to partner on the Nook e-reader line rather than keep fighting over intellectual property suggests the prospect of more settlement and fewer IP suits in the industry. However, the deal further obscures the blurry IP and patent landscape currently impacting both enterprise IT and consumer technology.

It is good to see settlement — something I’ve been calling for, while also warning against patent and IP aggression. However, this settlment comes from the one conflict in this ongoing war that was actually shedding some light on the matter, rather than further complicating it.

See the full article at TechNewsWorld.

NIST::NVD CWE development – follow along

I’m in the process of getting the tests passing for the 0.03 release of NIST::NVD::Store::SQLite3 wherein our hero imports the CWE data and cross-indexes it with CVEs and CPEs.

Follow along and suggest some patches. I’m developing on Debian Wheezy, but I would very much like input from devs on other platforms.;a=summary

cjac@foxtrot:/tmp$ time git clone
Cloning into 'NIST-NVD-Store-SQLite3'...

real    0m32.757s
user    0m0.200s
sys     0m0.088s
cjac@foxtrot:/tmp$ ls NIST-NVD-Store-SQLite3/t/data/
cwec_v2.1.xml  nvdcve-2.0-test.xml

Publish your patches and I’ll fetch them, or you can submit them in udiff format and I’ll review/apply. Thanks for playing along!

[edit 20120216T1456 -0800] …

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Open APIs are the new open source

We’ve seen the rise of open source software in the enterprise and also beyond the IT industry, but the real keys to openness and its advantages in today’s technology world — where efficient use of cloud computing and supporting services are paramount — exist in open application programming interfaces, or APIs.

Open source software continues to be a critical part of software development, systems administration, IT operations and more, but much of the action in leveraging modern cloud computing and services-based infrastructures centers on APIs. Open APIs are the new open source.

Read the full story at LinuxInsider.

Is MySQL usage really declining?

If you’re a MySQL user, tell us about your adoption plans by taking our current survey.

Back in late 2009, at the height of the concern about Oracle’s imminent acquisition of Sun Microsystems and MySQL, 451 Research conducted a survey of open source software users to assess their database usage and attitudes towards Oracle.

The results provided an interesting snapshot of the potential implications of the acquisition and the concerns of MySQL users and even, so I am told, became part of the European Commission’s hearing into the proposed acquisition (used by both sides, apparently, which says something about both our independence and the malleability of data).

One of the most interesting aspects concerned the apparently imminent decline in the usage of …

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Removing Xcode 3 shared build settings from Xcode 4

This is about me getting a substantial amount of grey hair over the past couple of days, trying to hunt down a setting that would cause the current version of Xcode 4 to build my iOS projects to an unexpected, but not unfamiliar, taken over from Xcode 3, location, but not presenting any obvious way to revert that.

A little history
In Xcode3 you could use the preferences dialog to configure custom build output folders. This was necessary when you wanted to organize a somewhat more complex software into several cross-referencing Xcode projects and at the same time retain some sanity when linking and packaging it. Clint Harris Tutorial on shared libraries describes it in more detail.

The preferences dialog looked like this (image copied from Clint’s site, because I didn’t have any Xcode3 installation …

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2012 to be year of Linux domination

Previously, I’ve called out years for non-desktop Linux in 2008, Linux in both the low and high-ends of the market in 2009, ‘hidden’ Linux in 2010 and last year, cloud computing in 2011. For 2012, I see continued growth, prevalence, innovation and impact from Linux, thus leading to a 2012 that is dominated by Linux.

I expect to see nothing but continued strength for Linux and …

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The future of commercial open source business strategies

The reason we are confident that the comparative decline in the use of the GNU GPL family of licenses and the increasing significance of complementary vendors in relation to funding for open source software-related vendors will continue is due to the analysis of our database of more than 400 open source software-related vendors, past and present.

We previously used the database to analyze the engagement of vendors with open source projects for our Control and Community report, plotting the strategies used by the vendors against the year in which they first began to engage with open source projects …

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