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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL Cluster (reset)
Migrating/importing NDB to Cluster Manager w/ version upgrade.

I’ve had some questions from people using MySQL Cluster GPL and wanting to move to using MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition, i.e., they want to use MySQL Cluster Manager, MCM, to make their lives much easier, in particular, upgrading (as well as config change ease and backup history).

All I want to do here is to share with you my personal experience on migrating what’s considered a ‘wild’ NDB Cluster to a MCM managed cluster. It’s just as simple to follow the manual chapter Importing a Cluster into MySQL Cluster Manager so at least you can see how I did it, and it might help someone.

[ If you’re not migrating but just looking for further information on NDB Cluster, and came across this post, please please PLEASE look at the …

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MySQL Documentation: Indexes in Release Notes

We've recently made a change "in the background", adding an index to each of our release note documents. For an (ample) example, look at the MySQL 5.7 release notes' index page.

The index should make it a lot easier for users to spot (and track) changes of particular features throughout the versions of a MySQL release series (for example, MySQL 5.7 or 8.0).

Release note indexes are automatically updated as new changelogs are created; this is one of the advantages of our highly automated documentation infrastructure -- keeping indexes updated manually would simply not be possible.

Update (2017-07-03): New screenshot, reflecting more readable / less cluttered links to individual release notes.

Working Around MySQL Cluster Push Down Limitations Using Subqueries


This post was originally published on the MySQL Support Team Blog at on 5 August 2016.

I worked on an issue recently where a query was too slow when executed in MySQL Cluster. The issue was that Cluster has some restrictions when it comes to push down conditions.

As an example of this, consider the following query using the employees sample database. The query takes a look at the average salary based on how many years the employee has been with the company. As the latest hire date in the database is in January 2000, the query uses 1 February 2000 as the reference date.

Initially the query performs like (performance is with two data …

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Handy stored procedure for regular DBA tasks

As a stored procedures fan, I use MySQL stored procedures to get some of my DBA tasks accomplished. To make it simple, I have a template stored procedure that can be customized for several purposes.
The template syntax contains cursor, continue handler, loop, if condition and prepared statement. Thought it may be useful for others – at least, who are searching for the MySQL Stored Procedure syntax – so I’m publishing this post!

Use case: Reorganize tables partition:

In MySQL Cluster, it is required to reorganize all NDB tables’ partitions after adding new data nodes to rebalance the data across all nodes. Also the tables need to be optimized afterwards to reclaim the memory space. For this task I use the following procedure:

DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS reorganize_tables;
CREATE PROCEDURE reorganize_tables (IN db_name VARCHAR(50))

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MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.2 released!

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.2 is now available for download from My Oracle Support.

In this blog post we will highlight some of the details of the MCM 1.4.2 release.

Progress reporting
First, some eye candy. With MCM 1.4.2 we added simple progress reporting.…

What is the default sharding key in MySQL Cluster?

MySQL Cluster does an automatic sharding/partitioning to the tables across data nodes, enabling databases to scale horizontally to serve read and write-intensive workloads, but what is the default sharding key used in partitioning the data?
According to the recent update (Oct, 2016) of the MySQL Cluster white paper, primary key is the default sharding key:

By default, sharding is based on hashing of the primary key, which generally leads to a more even distribution of data and queries across the cluster than alternative approaches such as range partitioning.

However, that is not the case in all MySQL Cluster versions so far!
In this post, I’ll do some test cases on MySQL Cluster (of 4 datanodes) to confirm the default sharding key.

Testing on MySQL Cluster 7.2.26 …

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Partitions number in MySQL Cluster

As stated in the MySQL Cluster documentation:

Partition.  This is a portion of the data stored by the cluster. There are as many cluster partitions as nodes participating in the cluster. Each node is responsible for keeping at least one copy of any partitions assigned to it (that is, at least one replica) available to the cluster.

According to my understanding for the previous paragraph, if we have a cluster of 6 datanodes we should have 6 partitions for each NDB table. I claim that this is not true for all cases – at least, after the introduction of ndbmtd (Multi-Threaded Daemon) in MySQL Cluster 7.2 .
In this post, I’ll do some …

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MySQL Cluster and real-time requirements

This blog gives some background to the decisions made when designing the
storage engine NDB Cluster used in MySQL Cluster around how to support
real-time requirements (or as I sometime refer to it, predictable response
time requirements).

Requirement analysisWhen analysing the requirements for NDB Cluster based on its usage in telecom
databases two things were important. The first requirement is that we need to
be able to respond to queries within a few milliseconds (today even down to
tens of microseconds). The second requirement is that we need to do this while
at the same time supporting a mix of simple traffic queries combined with a
number of more complex queries running at the same time.

The first requirement was the main requirement that led to NDB Cluster using a
main memory storage model with durability on disk using a REDO log and
various …

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2-Phase Commit in NDBCluster

This is a description of the simplest case of 2-phase commit (2PC) in NDBCluster: one transaction, containing a single insert, update or delete operation on a single row. The PREPARE phase of the 2PC is initiated by the API node (which is a mysqld or a NoSQL client) sending a TCKEYREQ to the Transaction Coordinator of a data node.…

HopsFS based on MySQL Cluster 7.5 delivers a scalable HDFS

The swedish research institute, SICS, have worked hard for a few years on
developing a scalable and a highly available Hadoop implementation using
MySQL Cluster to store the metadata. In particular they have focused on the
Hadoop file system (HDFS) and the YARN. Using features of MySQL
Cluster 7.5 they were able to achieve linear scaling in number of name
nodes as well as in number of NDB data nodes to the number of nodes
available for the experiment (72 machines). Read the press release from
SICS here

The existing metadata layer of HDFS is based on a single Java server
that acts as name node in HDFS. There are implementations to ensure
that this metadata layer have HA by using a backup name node and to
use ZooKeeper for heartbeats and a number of …

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